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Definition of: whoop
(hp, hw
p, hw
p) v.i.
1. To utter loud cries, as of excitement, rage, or exultation.
2. To hoot, as an owl.
3. To make a loud, gasping inspiration, as after a paroxysm of coughing.
4. To utter with a whoop or whoops.
5. To call, urge, chase, etc., with whoops; hoot.
—to whoop up
1. To arouse enthusiasm in or for; ballyhoo.
2. To raise, as a price, or sum of money.
—to whoop it (or things) up
1. Slang To make noisy revelry.
2. To arouse enthusiasm.
1. A shout of excitement, encouragement, or exultation; also, a hoot of derision.
2. A signal halloo or a guiding call, as to incite dogs or men in the chase.
3. A loud, convulsive inspiration after a paroxysm of coughing in whooping cough; a sonorous indrawing of breath.
4. An owl's hoot.
—interj. Hurrah! halloo! [Imit.]
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