This list of abbreviations and meanings is a selection of those commonly in use in printed works. There are many forms of abbreviations—capital letters or lower-case letters, periods or no periods, spaces between letters or no spaces, and so on. In this list abbreviations are given without periods. Most are given without spaces and the majority are in lower-case letters unless usage dictates otherwise.
Most of the words that the abbreviations represent are spelled here in lower-case letters, although they may appear elsewhere with initial capital letters. Abbreviations such as mt for mount usually begin with a capital letter when used with proper nouns—as in Mt Shasta.
In abbreviations of foreign words or phrases, such as those from French or Latin, the English meaning always appears first, followed by the word or phrase in the language of origin.
a abbreviation, about, acre, alto, ampere, are (measure), argent, assists (baseball), before (Lat. ante), year (Lat. anno)
A absolute (temperature), angstrom (unit), argon
AA Alcoholics Anonymous, antiaircraft, author's alteration
AAA American Automobile Association
AAAL American Academy of Arts and Letters
AAAS American Academy of Arts and Sciences, American Association for the Advancement of Science
AAE American Association of Engineers
AAF Army Air Forces
A and M Agricultural and Mechanical (College)
Aar Aaron
AARP American Association of Retired Persons
AAU Amateur Athletic Union
ab able-bodied (seaman), (times) at bat
Ab alabamine
AB adapter booster, airborne, Bachelor of Arts (Lat. Artium Baccalaureus)
ABA American Bar Association, American Booksellers Association
a&b assault and battery
abbr, abbrev abbreviation
ABC the alphabet, American Broadcasting Company, Audit Bureau of Circulation, Australian Broadcasting Commission
ab ex from without (Lat. ab extra)
ab init from the beginning (Lat. ab initio)
abl ablative
ABM antiballistic missile
abp archbishop, arterial blood pressure
abr abridged, abridgment
abs absent, absolute (temperature), absolutely, abstract
abstr abstract, abstracted
ac before meals (Lat. ante cibum)
a/c account, account current, air conditioning
Ac actinium
AC after Christ, Air Corps, alternating current
acad academic, academy
acc acceptance, accompanied, account, accountant
acc, accus accusative
ACC Air Coordinating Committee
accel accelerando, accelerate
acct account, accountant
ack acknowledge, acknowledgment
ACLU American Civil Liberties Union
ACP American College of Physicians
acpt acceptance
ACS American Chemical Society
A/cs Pay accounts payable
A/cs Rec accounts receivable
act active
ACT American College Test
actg acting
ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone
ad advertisement, before the day (Lat. ante diem)
AD year of our Lord (Lat. anno domini)
ADA American Dental Association, Americans for Democratic Action
adc aide-de-camp
ADC aid to families with dependent children
add addenda, addendum, addition, additional, address
ad fin at the end, to one end (Lat. ad finem)
ad inf to infinity (Lat. ad infinitum)
adj adjacent, adjective, adjourned, adjunct, adjustment
Adj, Adjt adjutant
ad lib to the amount desired (Lat. ad libitum)
adm administrative, administrator, admitted
Adm admiral, Admiralty
adv adverb, adverbial, advertisement
ad val according to value (Lat. ad valorem)
advt advertisement
ae, aet, aetat of age (Lat. aetatis)
AEA Actors’ Equity Association
AE and P ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary
AEC Atomic Energy Commission
AEF American Expeditionary Force
aeron aeronautics
af audio frequency
Af Africa, African
AF Air Force
AFAM, AF & AM Ancient Free and Accepted Masons
AFB Air Force Base
AFC American Football Conference, automatic frequency control
AFDC aid to families with dependent children
Afg, Afgh Afghanistan
AFL, AF of L American Federation of Labor
AFL-CIO American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations
AFM American Federation of Musicians
Afr Africa, African
AFT American Federation of Teachers
AFTRA American Federation of Television and Radio Artists
Ag August, silver (Lat. argentum)
AG adjutant general, attorney general, corporation (Ger. aktiengesellschaft)
agcy agency
agr, agri, agric agricultural, agriculture, agriculturist
agt agent, agreement
AHQ Army Headquarters
AI artificial intelligence, in the year of the discovery (Lat. anno inventionis)
AIDS acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome
AIM American Indian Movement
AK Alaska
aka also known as
AKC American Kennel Club
al other things (persons) (Lat. alia, alii)
Al aluminum
AL Alabama, aviation electronicsman
Ala Alabama
ALA American Library Association
Alas Alaska
Alb Albania, Albanian, Albany, Alberta
Alba Alberta
Ald, Aldm alderman
alg algebra
Alg Algeria, Algerian
ALP American Labor Party, Australian Labor Party
alt alteration, alternate, altitude, alto
Alta Alberta
alum aluminum
am ammeter, before noon (Lat. ante meridiem)
Am alabaminc, America, American, americium
AM air mail, amplitude modulation, in the year of the world (Lat. anno mundi), Master of Arts (Lat. Artium Magister)
AMA American Management Association, American Medical Association
Amb ambassador
AMDG to the greater glory of God (Lat. ad majorem Dei gloriam)
AME African Methodist Episcopal
Amer America, American
AMG Allied Military Government (of Occupied Territory)
Am Ind American Indian
amp ampere, amperage
amp-hr ampere-hour
amt amount
amu atomic mass unit
AMVETS American Veterans (of World War II and the Korean War)
an anonymous, before (Lat. ante)
anal analogous, analogy, analysis, analytic(al)
anat anatomical, anatomy
anc ancient, anciently
and moderately slow (It. andante)
And Andorra
Ang Anglican, Angola
Angl Anglican, Anglicized
anim animated (It. animato)
ann annals, annual, annuities, annuity, years (Lat. anni)
anon anonymous
ans answer, answered
ant antenna, antiquarian, antiquity, antonym
Ant Antarctic, Antarctica
anthrop, anthropol anthropological, anthropology
antilog antilogarithm
antiq antiquarian, antiquities
A/O account of
AOL absent over leave
ap apothecary
Ap apostle, April
AP Associated Press, antipersonnel
APB all points bulletin
apmt appointment
APO Army Post Office
Apoc Apocalypse, Apocrypha, Apocryphal
app apparatus, apparent, appended, appendix, apprentice
appar apparatus, apparent
approx approximate, approximately
Apr April
APR annual percentage rate
APS Army Postal Service
apt apartment
aq aqueous, water (Lat. aqua)
AQ Achievement Quotient
ar argent, aromatic, arrival, arrive, in the year of the reign (Lat. anno regni)
Ar argon, silver (Lat. argentum)
Ar, Arab Arabia, Arabian, Arabic
AR Arkansas
Aram Aramaic
ARC American Red Cross, AIDS-related complex
arch archaic, archaism, archery, archipelago, architect
Arch, Archbp archbishop
archaeol archaeology
Archd archdeacon, archduke
archeol archeology
archit architecture
archt architect
arg argent, silver (Lat. argentum)
Arg Argentina, Argyll
arith arithmetic, arithmetical
Ariz Arizona
Ark Arkansas
Arm Armenia, Armenian
ArM Master of Architecture (Lat. Architecturae Magister)
ARM adjustable-rate mortgage
arr arrange, arranged, arrangements, arrival, arrive, arrived
art article, artificial, artist
ARV American Revised (Standard) Version (of the Bible)
as, asym asymmetric
As arsenic
AS Anglo-Saxon, antisubmarine
ASA American Standards Association
asb asbestos
ASCAP American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASE American Stock Exchange
ASEAN Association of South-East Asian Nations
asgd assigned
ASPCA American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
assd assigned
assn association
assoc associate, association
asst assistant
Assyr Assyria, Assyrian
astr, astron astronomer, astronomical, astronomy
astrol astrologer, astrological, astrology
ASVAB Armed Services Vocational Apptitude Battery
at atmosphere, atomic
At astatine
AT antitank
ATC Air Transport Command
athl athlete, athletic, athletics
Atl Atlantic
atm atmosphere, atmospheric
at no atomic number
ATS Army Transport Service, Auxiliary Territorial Service
att, attn, atten attention
att, atty attorney
Atty Gen attorney general
ATV all-terrain vehicle
at wt atomic weight
au angstrom unit
Au gold (Lat. aurum)
AUC from (the year of) the building of the city (of Rome) (Lat. ab urbe condita)
aud audible, audit, auditor
Aug August, Augustan, Augustus
Aus, Aust Austria
Aus, Austl Australia
AUS Army of the United States
auth authentic, author, authority, authorized
Auth Ver Authorized Version (of the Bible)
auto automatic, automotive
aux, auxil auxiliary
av according to value (Lat. ad valorem)
av, avdp avoirdupois
av, avg average
Av avenue
AV Authorized Version (of the Bible)
avc automatic volume control
Ave avenue
avg average
avn aviation
avoir avoirdupois
A/W actual weight, all water
AWL absent with leave
AWOL absent without leave
AWVS American Women's Volunteer Services
ax axiom, axis
az azimuth, azure
AZ Arizona
b bachelor, balboa (coin), base, base hit, baseman, bass, basso, bat, battery, bay, bench, bicuspid, bolívar (coin), boliviano (coin), book, born, brass, breadth, brother
B bacillus, Bible, bishop (chess), boron, British, brotherhood
B/- bag, bale
Ba barium
BA Bachelor of Arts (Lat. Baccalaureus Artium), British Academy
bach bachelor
bact, bacteriol bacteriological, bacteriologist, bacteriology
BAE Bachelor of Aeronautical Engineering, Bachelor of Arts in Education
BAg, BAgr Bachelor of Agriculture
BAgSci Bachelor of Agricultural Science
bal balance, balancing
Balt Baltic
Bap, Bapt Baptist
bapt baptized
bar barometer, barometric, barrel, barrister
BAR Browning automatic rifle
BAr, BArch Bachelor of Architecture
barit baritone
Bart baronet
BAS, BASc Bachelor of Agricultural Science, Bachelor of Applied Science
BASIC Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
bat, batt battalion, battery
bb base(s) on balls
BBA, BBusAd Bachelor of Business Administration
BBB Better Business Bureau
BBC British Broadcasting Corporation
bbl barrel
BC Bachelor of Chemistry, Bachelor of Commerce, before Christ, British Columbia
BCD binary coded decimal
BCE Bachelor of Chemical Engineering, Bachelor of Civil Engineering, before Christian era
bch bunch
BCL Bachelor of Civil Law
BCP Book of Common Prayer
BCS Bachelor of Chemical Science
bd board, bond, bound, bundle
BD Bachelor of Divinity
B/D bank draft, bills discounted, brought down
bd ft board foot
bdg binding
bdl, bdle bundle
bds bundles, (bound in) boards
BDS Bachelor of Dental Surgery
Be beryllium
BE Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Engineering, Bank of England, Board of Education
B/E bills of exchange
BEE Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
bef before
BEF British Expeditionary Force(s)
Bel, Belg Belgian, Belgium
Beng Bengal, Bengali
B ès L Bachelor of Letters (Fr. Bachelier ès Lettres)
B ès S Bachelor of Sciences (Fr. Bachelier ès Sciences)
bet, betw between
bev billion electron volts
bf bold face
BF Bachelor of Finance, Bachelor of Forestry
B/F brought forward
BFA Bachelor of Fine Arts
bg bag
BG brigadier general
BHE Bureau of Higher Education
bhp brake horsepower
Bi bismuth
Bib Bible, Biblical
bibl biblical, bibliographical
bibliog bibliography
bicarb bicarbonate of soda
b i d twice a day (Lat. bis in die)
biochem biochemistry
biog biographer, biographical, biography
biol biological, biologist, biology
BIOS basic input-output system
BIS British Information Services
BJ Bachelor of Journalism
bk bank, block, book
Bk berkelium
bkg banking
bkkpg bookkeeping
bklr black letter
bkpt bankrupt
bks barracks, books
bkt basket, bracket
bl bale, barrel, black, blue
BL, BLL Bachelor of Laws
B/L bill of lading
BLA Bachelor of Liberal Arts
bld bold face
bldg, blg building
BLE Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
B Lit, B Litt Bachelor of Letters, Bachelor of Literature (Lat. Baccallaureus Litterarum)
blk black, block
bln balloon
bls bales, barrels
BLS Bachelor of Library Science, Bachelor of Library Service, Bureau of Labor Statistics
blvd boulevard
bm board measure
BM Bachelor of Medicine (Lat. Baccalaureus Medicinae), Bachelor of Music (Lat. Baccalaureus Musicae), Bureau of Mines
BME Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor of Mining Engineering
BMechE Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
BMEWS Ballistic Missile Early Warning System
BMR basal metabolic rate
BMus Bachelor of Music
Bn battalion
BN bank note
BNA Basel Anatomical Nomenclature (Lat. Basle Nomina Anatomica), British North America Act
bo back order, body odor, box office, branch office, broker's order, buyer's option
BO Board of Ordnance
B/O brought over
Boh Bohemia, Bohemian
Bol Bolivia, Bolivian
bor borough
bot botanical, botanist, botany, bottle
BOT Board of Trade
bp below proof, birthplace, bishop, blood pressure, boiling point
BP Bachelor of Pharmacy
BP, BPh, BPhil Bachelor of Philosophy (Lat. Baccalaureus Philosophiae)
B/P bill of parcels, bills payable
BPd, BPe Bachelor of Pedagogy
BPE Bachelor of Physical Education
BPH Bachelor of Public Health
BPI Bureau of Public Inquiries
BPOE Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
br branch, brand, bridge, brief, brig, bronze, brother
Br Breton, Britain, British, bromine
BR Bill of Rights
B/R bills receivable
Braz Brazil, Brazilian
Brazil Brazilian
BRCS British Red Cross Society
B Rec bills receivable
brev brevet, brevetted
Br Hond British Honduras
Brig brigade, brigadier
Brig Gen brigadier general
Brit Britain, Britannia, Britannica, British
bro brother
bros brothers
bs balance sheet
BS Bachelor of Surgery
B/S bags, bales, bill of sale
BS, BSc Bachelor of Science (Lat. Baccalaureus Scientiae)
BSA Bachelor of Scientific Agriculture, Bibliographical Society of America, Boy Scouts of America
BSEd Bachelor of Science in Education
bsh bushel
BSS, BSSc, BS in SS Bachelor of (Science in) Social Sciences
Bt baronet
BT, BTh Bachelor of Theology
BTU, Bthu, btu British thermal unit
Btry battery
bu bureau, bushel, bushels
buck buckram
bul, bull bulletin
Bulg Bulgaria, Bulgarian
BV Blessed Virgin (Lat. Beata Virgo), farewell (Lat. bene vale)
BVM Blessed Virgin Mary (Lat. Beata Virgo Maria)
bvt brevet, brevetted
bx box
Bz benzine
c about (Lat. circa), candle, capacity (electrical), carton, case, catcher (baseball), cathode, Celsius, cent, centigrade, centime, centimeter, chapter, chief, child, cost, cubic
C calends, capacity (electrical), cape, carbon, cathode, Catholic, Celtic, century, Chancellor, chapter, church, Congress, Conservative, constant, copyright, Court, current, Roman numeral for 100
ca about (Lat. circa), cathode, centiare, chief accountant, claim agent, commercial agent, consular agent, controller of accounts
Ca calcium
CA California, Catholic Action, Central America, chronological age, Coast Artillery, Confederate Army
C/A commercial account, credit account, current account
CAA Civil Aeronautics Administration
CAB Civil Aeronautics Board
CAD computer-aided design, computer-aided drafting
CAF cost and freight; cost, assurance, and freight
CAI computer-aided instruction
cal calendar, calends, caliber, calomel, small calorie
Cal caliber, large calorie
Cal, Calif California
Cam camouflage
CAM computer-aided manufacturing
can canon, canto
Can Canada, Canadian
Canad Canadian
canc cancel, cancellation, cancelled
cant canton, cantonment
Cant Canterbury, Canticles, Cantonese
Cantab Cambridge (Lat. Cantabrigia)
cap capital, capitalize, chapter (Lat. caput)
CAP Civil Air Patrol
caps capital letters
Capt Captain
car carat
CAR Civil Air Regulations
Card Cardinal
CARE Cooperative for American Remittances Everywhere
cat catalog, catcchism
CAT computerized axial tomography
cath cathedral
Cath Catholic
CATV community antenna television
cav cavalier, cavalry
CAVU ceiling and visibility unlimited
cb center of buoyancy, confined to barracks
Cb columbium, cumulonimbus
CB citizens band (radio), Construction Battalion, Bachelor of Surgery (Lat. Baccalaureus Chiurgiae)
CBC Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
CBD cash before delivery
CBOE Chicago Board Options Exchange
CBOT Chicago Board of Trade
CBS Columbia Broadcasting System
cc carbon copy, cash credit, cashier's check, chapters, chief clerk, circuit court, city council, city councilor, civil court, common councilman, company clerk, company commander, consular clerk, contra credit, copy, county clerk, county commissioner, county council, county court, cubic centimeter, current account (Fr. compte courant)
Cc cirrocumulus
CC cyanogen chloride (poison gas)
CCA Chief Clerk of the Admiralty, circuit court of appeals
CCC Civilian Conservation Corps; Commodity Credit Corporation
CCF Cooperative Commonwealth Federation (of Canada)
CCS Combined Chiefs of Staff
cd candela, cash discount, cord
Cd cadmium
CD certificate of deposit, civil defense, compact disc
C/D carried down
cd ft cord foot (feet)
CDR, Cdr commander
CDT central daylight time
Ce cerium
CE chemical engineer, chief engineer, Church of England, civil engineer, Council of Europe, Corps of Engineers
CEA Council of Economic Advisers
CEEB College Entrance Examination Board
Celt Celtic
cen, cent central, century
cent centered, centigrade, centimeter, one hundred (Lat. centum)
CERN European Council for Nuclear Research (Fr. Centre Européen des Recherches Nucléaires)
cert certificate, certify
certif certificate, certificated
cet par other things being equal (Lat. ceteris paribus)
Cey Ceylon
cf center field, center fielder, compare (Lat. confer)
Cf californium
CF cost and freight
C/F carried forward
CFI cost, freight, and insurance
cfm cubic feet per minute
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
cfs cubic feet per second
cg center of gravity, consul general
cg, cgm centigram
CG Coast Guard, commanding general
CGH Cape of Good Hope
cgs centimeter-gram-second
ch chain, champion, chargé d’affaires, check (chess), chestnut, chevronets, chief, child, children, chirurgeon, church, clearinghouse, courthouse, customhouse, of surgery (Lat. chiurgiae)
c-h, c-hr candle-hour
ch chaplain, chapter
Ch Chaldean, Chaldee, China, Chinese
CH Companion of Honor
Chanc chancelor, chancery
chap chaplain, chapter
char character, charter
ChB Bachelor of Surgery (Lat. Chiurgiae Baccalaureus)
ChE, CheE chemical engineer
chem chemical, chemist, chemistry
chg charge
chgd charged
Chin Chinese
ChJ chief justice
ChM Master of Surgery (Lat. Chiurgiae Magister)
chm checkmate
chm, chmn chairman
Chr Christ, Christian
chron, chronol chronological, chronology
Chron Chronicles
chs chapters
Ci cirrus
Cia company (Sp. Compania)
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
CIC Counter-intelligence Corps
CID Criminal Investigation Division (Brit.)
Cie company (Fr. compagnie)
CIF cost, insurance, and freight
C in C, CINC, Cinc commander in chief
CIP cataloging in publication
CIO Congress of Industrial Organizations
cir, circ about (Lat. circa, circiter, circum), circular, circulation, circumference
cit citation, cited, citizen
civ civil, civilian
CJ body of law (Lat. corpus juris), chief judge, chief justice
ck cask, check, cook
cl carload, carload lots, center line, centiliter, civil law, claim, class, classification, clause, clearance, clergyman, clerk, cloth, craft loss (insurance)
Cl chlorine
clar clarinet
class classic, classical, classification, classified, classify
cler clerical
climatol climatological, climatology
clin clinic, clinical
clk clerk, clock
clm column
CLU chartered life underwriter
cm church missionary, circular mil, common meter, corresponding member
cm centimeter
Cm curium
CM court martial, Master of Surgery (Lat. Chiurgiae Magister)
Cmdr commander
CMG Companion (of the Order) of St. Michael and St. George
cml commercial
CMTC Citizens’ Military Training Camp
Cn cumulonimbus
C/N circular note, credit note
CNN Cable News Network
CNO chief of naval operations
CNS central nervous system
c/o care of, carried over, cash order
Co cobalt, company, county
CO Colorado, commanding officer, conscientious objector
coad coadjutor
COBOL common business-oriented language
Cod codex
COD cash on delivery, collect on delivery
Codd codices
coef coefficient
C of C chamber of commerce
C of S chief of staff
cog, cogn cognate
col collected, collector, college, colonial, colony, color, colored, column
Col Colombia, colonel, Colorado, Colossians, Columbia
coll colleague, collect, collection, collective, collector, college, colloquial
collab collaborated, collaboration, collaborator
collat collateral
colloq colloquial, colloquialism, colloquially
Colo, Col Colorado
colog cologarithm
Coloss Colossians
com comedy, comic, comma, commentary, commerce, common, commonly, commune, communication, community
Com commission, commissioner, committee, commodore, communist
Com, Comdr commander, commodore
Com, Como commodore
comb combination
comdg commanding
Comdt Commandant
Com in Ch, Cominch Commander in Chief
coml commercial
comm commander, commentary, commerce, commercial, commissary, commission, committee, commonwealth, commutator
Como Commodore
comp companion, compare, compilation, compiled, complete, composition, compositor, compound, comprising
compar comparative
compt compartment, comptometer
Comr Commissioner
Com Ver Common Version (of the Bible)
con against (Lat. contra), concerto, conclusion, condense, conduct, connection, consols, consolidate, continued, wife (Lat. conjunx)
Con Conformist, Consul
conc concentrate, concentrated, concentration, concerning
Confed Confederate, Confederation
cong gallon (Lat. congius)
Cong Congregational, Congress, Congressional
conj conjugation, conjunction, conjunctive
Conn Connecticut
cons consecrated, conserve, consigned, consignment, consolidated, consonant, constable, constitution, constitutional, construction, consul, consulting
consol consolidated
const constable, constant, constitution
constr construction, construed
cont containing, contents, continent, continue, contract, contraction, contrary, control
Cont Continental
contd continued
contemp contemporary
contg containing
contin continued, let it be continued (Lat. continuetur)
contr contract, contralto, control
contrib contribution, contributor
CONUS Continental United States
coop, co-op cooperative
cop copper, copyright, copyrighted
Cop Copernican, Coptic
cor corner, cornet, coroner, corpus, correct, corrected, correction, correlative, correspondence, correspondent, corresponding, corrupt
Cor Corinthians
corol, coroll corollary
corp, corpn corporation
Corp Corporal
corr correct, corrected, correspond, correspondence, correspondent, corresponding, corrupt, corrupted, corruption
correl correlative
corresp correspondence
cos companies, cosine, counties
COS cash on shipment
cosec cosecant
cosh hyperbolic cosine
cot cotangent
coth hyperbolic cotangent
covers coversed sine
cp candlepower, chemically pure, compare, court of probate
CP Canadian Press, Cape Province, center of pressure, Chief Patriarch, command post, Common Prayer, Communist Party
CPA certified public accountant
cpd compound
CPH Certificate in Public Health
Cpl corporal
cpm characters per minute, cost per million, cycles per minute
CPO chief petty officer
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
cps characters per second, cycles per second
cpt counterpoint
CQ charge of quarters
cr created, credit, creditor, crescendo, creek, crown
Cr chromium
CR carriage return, Costa Rica
craniol craniological, craniology
craniom craniometry
cres, cresc crescendo
crim con criminal conversation
crit critic, critical, criticism
CRLF carriage return and line feed
crs credits, creditors
CRT cathode-ray tube
cryst crystalline, crystallography, crystals
cs capital stock, civil service
Cs cesium, cirrostratus
CS Christian Science, Christian Scientist, Confederate States
C/S case
CSA Confederate States of America
csc cosecant
CSC Civil Service Commission, Conspicuous Service Cross
csch hyperbolic cosecant
CSigO chief signal officer
CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (Australia)
CSO chief staff officer
CSS Commodity Stabilization Service
CST central standard time
ct cent, certificate, county, court
Ct Connecticut, Count
CT central time, communications technician, computed tomography, Connecticut
CTC Citizens’ Training Camp
ctg cartridge
ctn carton, cotangent
ctnh hyperbolic cotangent
ctr center
cts centimes, cents, certificates
cu cubic
Cu copper (Lat. cuprum), cumulus
cu cm cubic centimeter
cu ft cubic foot
cu in cubic inch
cur currency, current
cu yd cubic yard
cv, cvt convertible
CV Common Version (of the Bible)
cw continuous wave
CWO cash with order, chief warrant officer, commissioned warrant officer
CWS Chemical Warfare Service
cwt hundredweight (Lat. centum weight)
cy capacity, currency, cycles
cyc cyclopedia, cyclopedic
cyl cylinder
CYO Catholic Youth Organization
CZ Canal Zone
d date, daughter, day, dead, decree, degree, delete, democrat, democratic, deputy, diameter, died, director, dividend, dollar, door, dose, dyne, give (Lat. da), penny, pence (Lat. denarius, denarii)
D December, department, deuterium, Dutch, God (Lat. Deus), Lord (Lat. Dominus), Roman numeral for 500
da daughter, day
DA delayed action, dental apprentice, district attorney
DAB Dictionary of American Biography
DAE Dictionary of American English
DAH Dictionary of American History
Dak Dakota
Dan Daniel, Danish
Danl Daniel
DAR Daughters of the American Revolution
DARE Dictionary of American Regional English
dat dative
DAT Dental Apptitude Test
dau daughter
Dav David
DAV Disabled American Veterans
db daybook
db, dB decibel, decibels
DB Domesday Book
dba doing business as
DBE Dame (Commander of the Order) of the British Empire
dbh diameter at breast height (forestry)
DBib Douai Bible
dbl double
DC Dental Corps, direct current, Disarmament Commission, District of Columbia, Doctor of Chiropractic, from the beginning (Ital. da capo)
DCL Doctor of Canon Law, Doctor of Civil Law
DCM Distinguished Conduct Medal (Brit.)
DCS deputy clerk of sessions, Doctor of Christian Science, Doctor of Commercial Science
dd days after date, days’ date, delivered, demand draft
DD Department of Defense, developmentally disabled, Doctor of Divinity (Lat. Divinitatis Doctor)
DDS Doctor of Dental Science, Doctor of Dental Surgery
DDSc Doctor of Dental Science
DE Delaware, destroyer escort, Doctor of Engineering, Doctor of Entomology
deb, deben debenture
Deb Deborah
dec deceased, declaration, declension, declination, decrease, decrescendo
dec, decim decimeter
Dec December
decd deceased
decl declension
decoct decoction
decresc decrescendo
ded, dedic dedication
def defective, defendant, defense, deferred, defined, definite, definition
deg degree
del delegate, delete, deliver, he or she drew it (Lat. delineavit)
Del Delaware
deliq deliquescent
Dem Democrat, Democratic
demon demonstrative
Den Denmark
denom denomination
dent dental, dentist, dentistry
dep departs, departure, deposed, deposit, depot
dep, dept department, deponent, deputy
Dep dependency
der, deriv derivation, derivative, derive, derived
dermatol dermatological, dermatologist, dermatology
desc descendant
descr descriptive, description
D ès L Doctor of Letters (Fr. Docteur ès Lettres)
D ès S Doctor of Sciences (Fr. Docteur ès Sciences)
det detach, detachment, detail
Deu, Deut Deuteronomy
devel development
DF dean of the faculty, defender of the faith (Lat. Defensor Fidei), direction finding, Federal District (Port. Districto Federal; Sp. Distrito Federal)
DFC Distinguished Flying Cross
dg decigram
DG by the grace of God (Lat. Dei gratia)
dh deadhead, designated hitter (baseball), that is to say (Ger. das heisst)
DHQ division headquarters
di, dia diameter
Di didymium
diag, diagr diagram
dial dialect, dialectic, dialectical
diam diameter
dict dictation, dictator, dictionary
diet dietetics
diff difference, different, differential
dil dilute
dim dimension
dim, dimin diminuendo, diminutive
din dinar
dioc diocesan, diocese
dipl diplomat, diplomatic
dir director
dis distance, distant
disc discount, discover, discovered
disch discharged
diss dissertations
dist discount, distance, distant, distinguish, distinguished, district
Dist Atty district attorney
distr distribute, distributed, distribution, distributive, distributor
div divergence, diversion, divide, divided, dividend, divine, division, divisor, divorced
Div divinity
dk deck, dock
DK disbursing clerk
dkg dekagram
dkl dekaliter
dkm dekameter
dks dekastere
dl deciliter
D/L demand loan
D Lit, D Litt Doctor of Letters, Doctor of Literature (Lat. Doctor Litterarum)
dlr dealer
DLS Doctor of Library Science
dm decameter, decimeter
Dm Deutschmark
DM deputy master, draftsman
DMB defense mobilization board
DMD Doctor of Dental Medicine (Lat. Dentariae Medicinae Doctor)
D Mus Doctor of Music
DN our Lord (Lat. Dominus noster)
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
DNB Dictionary of National Biography (Brit.)
do ditto
DO Doctor of Osteopathy
DOA dead on arrival
doc document
DOD Department of Defence
DOE Department of Education, Department of Energy
dol dolce, dollar
dols dollars
dom domestic, dominion
Dom Dominica, Dominican
Dor Dorian, Doric
DOS disk operating system
DOT Department of Transportation
dow dowager
doz dozen
DP data processing, degree of polymerization, diametrical pitch, displaced person
DPH Doctor of Public Health
DPHy Doctor of Public Hygiene
DPh, DPhil Doctor of Philosophy
dpt department, deponent
DPW Department of Public Works
dr debtor, dram
Dr doctor, drive
DR dead reckoning, deposit receipt
dram pers dramatis personae
ds daylight saving, days after sight, decistere, document signed, (repeat) from this sign (It. dal segno)
Ds dysprosium
DS, DSc Doctor of Science
DSC Distinguished Service Cross
DSIR Department of Scientific and Industrial Research
DSM Distinguished Service Medal
DSO Distinguished Service Order (Brit.), district staff officer
dsp died without issue (Lat. decessit sine prole)
DSRD Department of Scientific Research and Development
DST daylight saving time, Doctor of Sacred Theology
dt delerium tremens, double time
DT dental technician
DT, DTh, DTheol Doctor of Theology
dts delerium tremens
Du duke, Dutch
dup, dupl duplicate
Dv, DV God willing (Lat. Deo volente)
DV Douai Version (of the Bible)
DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
DVMS Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
D/W dock warrant
DWI driving while intoxicated, Dutch West Indies
DWS Department of Water Supply
dwt dead weight tons, penny-weight (Lat. denarius weight)
DX distance, distant
Dy dysprosium
dyn, dynam dynamics
dz dozen
e east, eastern, erg, error
E earl, Earth, east, eastern, English
ea each
e and o e errors and omissions excepted
Eb erbium
EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
EbN east by north
EbS east by south
EC Engineering Corps, Established Church, European Community
ECA Economic Cooperation Administration
ECAFE Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East
eccl, eccles ecclesiastical
Ecc, Eccl, Eccles Ecclesiastes
Ecclus Ecclesiasticus
ECE Economic Commission for Europe
ECG electrocardiogram
ECLA Economic Commission for Latin America
ECME Economic Commission for the Middle East
ecol ecological, ecology
econ economic, economics, economy
ECOSOC Economic and Social Council (of the United Nations)
ECSC European Coal and Steel Community
Ecua Ecuador, Ecuadorian
ed edited, edition, editor
EdB Bachelor of Education
EdD Doctor of Education
edit edited, edition, editor
EdM Master of Education
EDT eastern daylight time
educ education, educational
ee errors excepted
EE Early English, electrical engineer, electrical engineering, envoy extraordinary
EEC European Economic Community
EE&MP envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary
EEG electroencephalogram
EEOC Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
EER energy efficiency rating
eff efficiency
efflor efflorescent
EFTA European Free Trade Association
EFTS electronic funds transfer system
eg for example (Lat. exempli gratia)
Eg Egypt, Egyptian
Egyptol Egyptology
EHF extremely high frequency
EHFA electric home and farm authority
EHV extra high voltage
EI, EInd East Indian, East Indies
EKG electrocardiogram
el elevated, elevation
ELD electroluminescent display
elec, elect electric, electrical, electrician
elem elementary, elements
elev elevation
ellipt elliptical
e long east longitude
elong elongation
Em, eman emanation (chemistry)
EM electrician's mate, engineer of mines, enlisted man
emb, embryol embryology
emf electromotive force
EMH educable mentally handicapped
Emp emperor, empire, empress
emph emphasis, emphatic
EMT emergency medical technician
emu electromagnetic units
emul emulsion
enc, encl enclosed, enclosure
ency, encyc, encycl encyclopedia
ENE east-northeast
eng engine, engineer, engineering, engraved, engraver, engraving
Eng England, English
EngD Doctor of Engineering
engin engineering
engr engineer, engraved, engraver, engraving
enl enlarged, enlisted
Ens ensign
ENT ear, nose, throat (physician)
entom, entomol entomological, entomology
env envelope
eo from office (Lat. ex officio)
EOM end of month
ep en passant (chess)
Ep, Epis, Epist Epistle, Epistles
EP extended play
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
Eph, Ephes Ephesians
Epis Episcopal
epil epilogue
EPU European Payments Union
eq equal, equalizer, equation, equator, equivalent
EQ educational quotient
equiv equivalent
er earned run
Er erbium
ER emergency room, King Edward (Lat. Eduardus Rex), Queen Elizabeth (Lat. Elizabeth Regina)
ERA earned run average, Educational Research Association, Emergency Relief Administration, Equal Rights Amendment
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
ERISA Employee Retirement Income Security Act
ERP European Recovery Program
erron erroneous, erroneously
ERV English Revised Version (of the Bible)
Es einsteinium
ESA Economic Stabilization Administration
ESC Economic and Social Council (of the United Nations)
eschat eschatology
Esd Esdras
ESE east-southeast
Esk Eskimo
ESL English as a second language
ESOP employee stock option plan
esp especially
ESP extrasensory perception
espec especially
Esq, Esqr esquire
est estate, estimated, estuary
Est Estonia
EST eastern standard time
estab established
Esth Esther
esu electrostatic unit
ET electronics technician, extraterrestrial
eta estimated time of arrival
et al and others (Lat. et alii), and elsewhere (Lat. et alibi)
etc and so forth, and others (Lat. et ceteri, ceterae, or cetera)
eth ether, ethical, ethics
Eth Ethiopia, Ethiopian, Ethiopic
ethnog ethnographical, ethnography
ethnol ethnological, ethnology
ETO European Theater of Operations
et seq and the following, and what follows (Lat. et sequens, sequentes, or sequentia)
ety, etym, etymol etymological, etymology
Eu europium
euphem euphemism, euphemistic
Eur Europe, European
ev electron volt
EV English Version (of the Bible)
EVA extra-vehicular activity (in space)
evac evacuation
evan, evang evangelical, evangelist
Evang Evangelical
evap evaporation
ex examination, examine, examined, example, except, excepted, exception, exchange, excursion, executed, executive
Ex, Exod Exodus
exam examination, examined, examinee, examinor
exc excellent, except, excepted, exception, excursion
Exc excellency
exch exchange, exchequer
excl exclusive
excl, exclam exclamation
exec executive, executor
Ex-Im Export-Import Bank
ex int without interest
ex lib from the library (of) (Lat. ex libris)
ex off from office (Lat. ex officio)
exp expenses, expiration, expired, export, exportation, exported, exporter, express
exper experimental
expt experiment
exptl experimental
exr executor
ext extension, external, extinct, extra, extract
Ez, Ezr Ezra
Eze, Ezek Ezekiel
f activity coefficent, farad, farthing, fathom, feet, female, feminine, fine, fluid (ounce), folio, following, foot, formed, forte, foul, franc, frequency, from, function (of), let it be made (Lat. fiat), strong (Lat. forte)
f/ f number (photography)
F Fahrenheit, February, fellow, fluorine, France, French, Friday, son (Lat. filius)
fa fire alarm, freight agent
FA field artillery, fine arts, food administration
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FAAAS Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
fac facsimile, factor, factory
FACD Fellow of the American College of Dentists
FACP Fellow of the American College of Physicians
FACS Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
FAF financial aid form
Fah, Fahr Fahrenheit
FAIA Fellow of the American Institute of Architects
fam familiar, family
FAM, F&AM Free and Accepted Masons
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (of the United Nations)
fas free alongside ship
FASA Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America
fasc a bundle (Lat. fasiculus)
fath fathom
fb freight bill, fullback
FBA Fellow of the British Academy
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
fbm feet board measure (board feet)
fc follow copy (printing)
Fc fractocumulus
FCA Farm Credit Administration
FCC Federal Communications Commission, Federal Council of Churches, first class certificate, Food Control Committee
FCDA Federal Civil Defense Administration
FCIC Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
fcp foolscap
FD defender of the faith (Lat. Fidei Defensor), fire department
FDA Food and Drug Administration, Food Distribution Administration
FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Fe iron (Lat. ferrum)
Feb, Febr February
FEB Fair Employment Board
fec he or she made it (Lat. fecit)
fed federal, federated, federation
fem female, feminine
FEPC Fair Employment Practices Commission
FERA Federal Emergency Relief Administration
feud feudal, feudalism
ff fixed focus, folios, following, fortissimo
ffa free foreign agent, free from alongside
FFA Future Farmers of America
FFS family financial statement
FFV First Families of Virginia
fg field goal
FGSA Fellow of the Geological Society of America
FHA Federal Housing Administration
FHLBB Federal Home Loan Bank Board
fhp friction horsepower
FICA Federal Insurance Contributions Act
fid fidelity, fiduciary
FIFO first in, first out
fig figuratively, figure
FIL Fellow of the Institute of Linguists
FILO first in, last out
fin finance, financial, finished
Fin Finland, Finnish
FIPS federal information processing standards
fl floor, florin, flower, fluid, flute
Fl Flanders, Flemish, fluorine
FL, Fla Florida
FLB Federal Land Bank
fl dr fluid dram
Flem Flemish
flex flexible
fl oz fluid ounce
fm fathom, from
Fm fcrmium
FM field manual, field marshal, frequency modulation
FMCS Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
FmHA Farmers Home Administration
FNMA Federal National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”)
FO field officer, Foreign Office
fob free on board
FOE Fraternal Order of Eagles
fol folio, following
foll following
FOP Fraternal Order of Police
for foreign, forestry, free on rails
fort fortification, fortified
FORTRAN formula translator
fp fireplug, fire policy, floating policy, foolscap, footpound, forte piano (Ital.), forward pass, freezing point, fully paid
FPC Federal Power Commission
FPHA Federal Public Housing Administration
fpm feet per minute
FPO fleet post office
fps feet per second, foot-pound-second (system)
fr fragment, franc, from, right-hand page (Lat. folio recto)
Fr brother (Lat. Frater), father, France, francium, French, Friday, wife (Ger. Frau)
FRB Federal Reserve Bank, Federal Reserve Board
FRC Federal Radio Commission, Federal Relief Commission
FRCP Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians
FRCS Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons
freq frequency, frequently, frequentitive
FRGS Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society
Fr Gui French Guiana
Fri Friday
Frl Miss (Ger. Fräulein)
FRS Federal Reserve System, Fellow of the Royal Society
FRSA Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts
frt freight
fs foot-second
Fs fractostratus
FS field service, fleet surgeon
FSA Farm Security Administration, Federal Security Agency
FSCC Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation
FSH follicle-stimulating hormone
FSLIC Federal Saving and Loan Insurance Corporation
FSP Food Stamp Program
FSR Field Service Regulations
ft feet, foot, fort, fortification, fortified
FT fire control technician
ft-c foot-candle
FTC Federal Trade Commission
FTE full-time equivalent
fth, fthm fathom
ft-l foot-lambert
ft-lb foot-pound
fur furlong
furl furlough
furn furnished, furniture
fut future
fv on the back of the page (Lat. folio verso)
FWA Federal Works Agency
fwd forward, front wheel drive
fwy freeway
FY fiscal year
FYI for your information
FZS Fellow of the Zoological Society
g conductance, gauge, gender, general, general intelligence, genitive, goal, goalie, goalkeeper, gold, gourde, grain, gram, grand, (specific) gravity, guide, guilder, guinea, gulf
G German, Germany, gram, (specific) gravity, gun
ga general average
Ga gallium, Georgia
GA Gamblers Anonymous, general agent, General Assembly, Georgia
Gael Gaelic
gal, gall gallon
Gal Galatians, Galen
galv galvanic, galvanism, galvanized
GAO General Accounting Office
GAR Grand Army of the Republic
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GAW guaranteed annual wage
gaz gazette, gazetteer
GB Great Britain
GBE (Knight or Dame) Grand (Cross) of the (Order of the) British Empire
GCA ground control approach (radar)
g-cal gram calorie
GCB (Knight) Grand Cross of the (Order of the) Bath
gcd greatest common divisor
gcf greatest common factor
GCI ground controlled interception (aircraft)
GCLH Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor
gcm greatest common measure
GCM general court martial
GCT Greenwich civil time
GCVO (Knight) Grand Cross of the (Royal) Victorian Order
Gd gadolinium
GD grand duchess, grand duchy, grand duke
gds goods
Ge germanium
geb born (Ger. geboren)
GED general equivalency diploma
gen gender, genera, general, generally, generator, generic, genitive, genus
Gen general, Genesis, Geneva, Genevan
geneal genealogical, genealogy
genit genitive
genl general
gent gentleman, gentlemen
geod geodesy, geodetic
geog geographer, geographic, geographical, geography
geol geologic, geological, geologist, geology
geom geometer, geometric, geometrical, geometry
ger gerund
Ger, Germ German, Germany
gest died (Ger. gestorben)
GFTU General Federation of Trade Unions
ggr great gross
GHA Greenwich hour angle
GHQ general headquarters
gi gastrointestinal, gill
GI general issue, government issue
Gib Gibralter
Gk Greek
gl glass, gloss
gld guilder
gloss glossary
gm gram
GM general manager, grand master, gunner's mate
Gmat Greenwich mean astronomical time
GmbH limited company (Ger. Gesell-schaft mit beschränkter Haftung)
Gmc Germanic
GMT Greenwich mean time
GNMA Government National Mortgage Association (“Ginnie Mae”)
GNP gross national product
GO general orders
GOP Grand Old Party (Republican Party)
Goth gothic, Gothic
gov, govt government
Gov governor
GP general practitioner, Graduate in Pharmacy, general paresis
GPA grade point average
gpm gallons per minute
GPO General Post Office, Government Printing Office
gps gallons per second
GQ general quarters
gr grade, grain, gram, grammar, great, gross, group
Gr Grecian, Greece, Greek
GR King George (Lat. Georgius Rex)
grad graduate, graduated
gram grammar, grammarian, grammatical
GrBr, GrBrit Great Britain
GRE graduate record examination
gro gross
gr wt gross weight
GS general secretary, general staff, German silver, Girl Scouts
GSA General Services Administration, Girst Scouts of America
GSC General Staff Corps
GSO general staff officer
gt gilt, great
gtc good till canceled
gtd guaranteed
gtt a drop (Lat. gutta)
gu genitourinary
guar guaranteed
Guat Guatemala, Guatemalan
Guin Guinea
gun gunnery
guttat by drops (Lat. guttatim)
gv gravimetric volume
gym gymnasium, gymnastics
gyn, gynecol gynecological, gynecology
h harbor, hard, hardness, heavy sea, height, hence, high, hit, horns (music), hour, hundred, husband
h, hy henry (electricity)
H hydrogen, intensity of magnetic field
ha hectare, this year (Lat. hoc anno)
Hab Habakkuk
hab corp have the body (Lat. habeas corpus)
Hag Haggai
Hal halogen
hb halfback
Hb hemoglobin
HBM his or her Britannic majesty
HC House of Commons
hcap, hcp handicap
hcf highest common factor
HCL high cost of living
hd hand, head
hdbk handbook
hdkf handkerchief
hdqrs headquarters
He helium
HE high explosive, his eminence, his or her excellency
Heb, Hebr Hebrew
her heraldic, heraldry
herp, herpetol herpetology
HEW (Department of) Health, Education, and Welfare
hex hexachord, hexagon, hexagonal
hf half
Hf hafnium
HF high frequency
hfbd half-bound (bookbinding)
hfmor half-morocco (bookbinding)
hg hectogram, heliogram
Hg mercury (Lat. hydrargyrum)
HG High German, his or her grace, Home Guard
hgt height
HH his or her highness, his holiness
hhd hogshead
HHFA Housing and Home Finance Agency
HHS (Department of) Health and Human Services
HI Hawaii
HIH his or her imperial highenss
HIM his or her imperial majesty
Hind Hindi, Hindu, Hindustan, Hindustani
hist histology, historian, historical, history
HJ here lies (Lat. hic jacet)
HJS here lies buried (Lat. hic jacet sepultus)
hkf handkerchief
hl hectoliter
HL House of Lords, mustard-lcwisite (poison gas)
HLBB Home Loan Bank Board
hm hectometer, in this month (Lat. hoc menses)
HM his or her majesty
HMO health maintenance organization
HMS his or her majesty's service (or ship or steamer)
HN nitrogen mustard gas
ho house
Ho holmium
HO head office, Home Office
HOLC Home Owners’ Loan Corporation
hon honorably, honorary
Hon honorable
Hond Honduras
hor horizon, horizontal
horol horology
hort, hortic horticultural, horticulture
Hos Hosea
hosp hospital
hp high pressure, horsepower
HP high power
hp-hr horsepower-hour
hq look for this (Lat. hoc quaere)
HQ headquarters
hr home run, hour
HR mister (Ger. Herr)
HR home rule, House of Representatives
HRE Holy Roman Empire
HRH his or her royal highness
HRIP here rest in peace (Lat. hic requiescat in pace)
hrs hours
HS here is buried (Lat. hic sepultus), here lies (Lat. hic situ), high school, Home Secretary (Brit.), in this sense (Lat. hoc sensu)
HSH his or her serene highness
HSM his or her serene majesty
ht at this time (Lat. hoc tempore), heat, height, in or under this title (Lat. hoc titulo)
Hts heights
HUD (Department of) Housing and Urban Development
Hun, Hung Hungarian, Hungary
HV high voltage
HVAC heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
hw high water
hwm high water mark
hwy highway
hyd, hydros hydrostatics
hydraul hydraulic, hydraulics
hyg hygiene, hygroscopic
hyp, hypoth hypotenuse, hypothesis, hypothetical
i incisor, interest, intransitive, island
I iodine, island or islands, isle or isles, Roman numeral for 1
Ia, IA Iowa
IADB Inter-American Defense Board
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency (of the United Nations)
ib, ibid in the same place (Lat. ibidem)
IBEW International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
IBT International Brotherhood of Teamsters (Chauffeurs, Warehousemen, and Helpers of America)
ICA International Cooperation Administration
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization (of the United Nations)
ICBM intercontinental ballistic missile
ICC Indian Claims Commission, Interstate Commerce Commission
Ice, Icel Iceland, Icelandic
ICES International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
ICFTU International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
icth icthyology
ICJ International Court of Justice (of the United Nations)
ICNAF International Commission for Northwest Atlantic Fisheries
ICU intensive care unit
icw interrupted continuous wave
id the same (Lat. idem)
ID Idaho, identification, infantry division, intelligence department, inside diameter
Ida Idaho
ie that is (Lat. id est)
IE Indo-European
IEP individualized education program
if intermediate frequency
IFCTU International Federation of Christian Trade Unions
IFF identification friend or foe (British radar device)
IFO identified flying object
IG amalgamation (Ger. Interessengemeinschaft), Indo-Germanic, inspector general
ign ignites, ignition, unknown (Lat. ignotus)
ihp indicated horsepower
IHS Jesus. Often taken to mean Jesus Savior of Mankind (Lat. Iesus hominum salvator) or in this sign (Lat. in hoc signo).
Il illinium
IL Illinois
ILA International Longshoremen's Association
ILGWU International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union
ill, illus, illust illustrate, illustrated, illustration, illustrator
Ill Illinois
illit illiterate
ILO International Labor Organization (of the United Nations)
ILS instrument landing system
IMCO Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization (of the United Nations)
IMF International Monetary Fund (of the United Nations)
imit imitation, imitative
immun immunology
imp imperative, imperfect, imperial, impersonal, import, important, imported, importer, imprimatur, improper
Imp emperor (Lat. imperator)
imper imperative
imperf imperfect, imperforate
impers impersonal
impf imperfect
imp gal imperial gallon
impv imperative
in inch
IN Indiana
inbd inboard, inbound
inc inclosure, including, inclusive, income, incorporated, increase
inch, incho inchoative
incl inclosure, including
incog incognito
incorp incorporated
incorr incorrect
incr increased, increasing
ind independence, independent, index, indicated, indicative, indigo, indirect, industrial
Ind India, Indian, Indiana, Indies
IND in the name of God (Lat. in nomine Dei)
indecl indeclinable
indef indefinite
inden, indent indention
indic indicating, indicative, indicator
individ individual
induc induction
ined unpublished
in ex at length (Lat. in extenso)
in f at the end (Lat. in fine)
inf below (Lat. infra), inferior, infinitive, information
Inf infantry
infin infinitive
infl influence, influenced
init initial, in the beginning (Lat, initio)
inj injection
in-lb inch-pound
in lim at the outset (on the threshold) (Lat. in limine)
in loc in its place (Lat. in loco)
in loc cit in the place cited (Lat. in loco citato)
inorg inorganic
INRI Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews (Lat. Iesus Nazarenus Rex ludaeorum)
ins inches, inspector, insular, insulated, insulation, insurance
INS International News Service
insc, inscr inscribe, inscribed, inscription
insep inseparable
insol insoluble
insp inspected, inspector
inst instant, instantaneous, instrument
Inst institute, institution
instr instruction, instructor, instrument
insur insurance
int intelligence, interest, interior, interjection, internal, interval, intransitive
intens insensitive
inter intermediate
interj interjection
internat international
interp interpreted, interpreter
Interpol International Police Organization
interrog interrogative
intr, intrans intransitive
in trans on the way (Lat. in transitu)
Int Rev Internal Revenue
introd introduction, introductory
inv invented, invention, inventor, invitation, invoice
invert invertebrate
invt inventory
Io ionium
IOBB Independent Order of B’nai B’rith
IOOF Independent Order of Odd Fellows
IOU I owe you
ip in passing (chess), innings pitched (baseball)
IPA International Phonetic Alphabet (association)
IPI International Press Institute
IPPC International Penal and Penitentiary Commission
IPR Institute of Pacific Relations
ips inches per second
iq the same as (Lat. idem quod)
IQ intelligence quotient
iqed what was to be proved (Lat. id quod erat demonstrandum)
Ir Ireland, iridium, Irish
IRA individual retirement account, Irish Republican Army
Iran Iranian, Iranic
IRBM intermediate range ballistic missile
Ire Ireland
IRO International Refugee Organization (of the United Nations)
irreg irregular, irregularly
IRS Internal Revenue Service
is island or islands, isle or isles
Is, Isa Isaiah
ISBN international standard book number
isl island, islands
iso isotropic
isom isometric
isoth isothermal
Isr Israel
ISSN international standard serial number
isth isthmus
it, ital italic, italics
It, Ital Italian, Italy
ITA Initial Teaching Alphabet
itin itinerant, itinerary
ITO International Trade Organization
ITU International Telecommunication Union, International Typographical Union
IU international unit
IWW Industrial Workers of the World
J joule (physics), judge, justice
ja joint account
Ja January
JA judge advocate
JAG judge advocate general
Jam Jamaica, Jamaican
Jan January
Jap Japan, Japanese
Jas James
JCAH Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals
JCD Doctor of Canon Law (Lat. Juris Canonici Doctor), Doctor of Civil Law (Lat. Juris Civilis Doctor)
JCS joint chiefs of staff
jct, jctn junction
JD Doctor of Laws (Lat. Jurum Doctor)
Je June
Jer Jeremiah
jg junior grade
Jl July
Jn John
Jon Jonah
Jos Joseph, Joshua, Josiah
jour journal, journalist, journeyman
JP jet propulsion, justice of the peace
jr junior
Ju Judges
JUD Doctor of Civil and Canon Law (Lat. Juris Utriusque Doctor)
Judg Judges
Jul July
jun junior
Jun June
junc, junct junction
JurD Doctor of Law (Lat. Juris Doctor)
jursp jurisprudence
jus, just justice
juv juvenile
jv junior varsity
jwlr jeweler
Jy July
k calends (Lat. kalendae), capacity, carat, constant, kilo, kilogram, king, king (chess), knot (naut.), kopeck (coin), koruna (coin), krone (coin)
K potassium (Lat. kalium), strikeout
ka kathode (cathode)
kal kalends (calends)
Kan, Kans, Kas Kansas
KB king's bench, king's bishop (chess), knight bachelor
KBP king's bishop's pawn (chess)
kc kilocycle
KC king's counsel, knight commander, Knights of Columbus
kcal kilocalorie
KCB Knight Commander of the (Order of the) Bath
KCVO Knight Commander of the (Royal) Victorian Order
Ken Kentucky
kg keg, kilogram
KG Knight of the (Order of the) Garter
KGB Commission of State Security (Russ. Komitet Godsudarvstvennoi Bezopasnost’i)
Ki Kings (book of the Bible)
kilo kilogram, kilometer
kilog kilogram
kilol kiloliter
kilom kilometer
kingd kingdom
KKK Ku Klux Klan
kl kiloliter
km kilometer
kn kronen (coin)
KN king's knight (chess)
KNP king's knight's pawn (chess)
ko knockout
K of C Knights of Columbus
K of Ρ Knights of Pythias
kop kopeck (coin)
KP king's pawn (chess), kitchen police, Knight (of the Order of St.) Patrick, Knight of Pythias
kr krona (coin), krone (coin)
Kr krypton
KR king's rook (chess)
KRP king's rook's pawn (chess)
KS Kansas
kt karat (carat), knight
KT Knights Templar
kv kilovolt
kva kilovolt-ampere
kvar reactive kilovolt-ampere
kw kilowatt
kwh kilowatt-hour
Ky, KY Kentucky
l book (Lat. liber), (games) lost, lake, land, lat, latitude, law, leaf, league, left, lempira, length, leu, lev, lex, line, link, lira, lire, lit, liter, low, place (Lat. locus)
L coefficient of inductance, Latin, length, lewisite, licentiate, Linnacus, longitude
La lanthanum, Louisiana
LA Legislative Assembly, Library Association, local agent, Los Angeles, Louisiana
lab laboratory
lam laminated
Lam Lamentations
LAM Master of Liberal Arts (Lat. Liberalium Artium Magister)
LAN local area network
lang language
laryngol laryngological, laryngology
lat latitude
Lat Latin, Latvia
Latv Latvia
lb pound (Lat. libra)
LB Bachelor of Letters (Lat. Litterarum Baccalaureus), local board
lb ap apothecary pound
lb av avoirdupois pound
LBO leveraged buyout
lbs pounds
lb t troy pound
lc in the place cited (Lat. loco citato), left center, lower case
l/c letter of credit
LC Library of Congress
LCD liquid crystal display, lowest common denominator
lcl less than carload lot
lcm least common multiple, lowest common multiple
ld lead (printing)
Ld lord
LD Low Dutch
ldg landing, leading, loading
LDiv Licentiate in Divinity
ld lmt load limit
ldry laundry
LDS Latter-day Saints, Latter Day Saints, Licentiate in Dental Surgery
le left end
lea league, leather, leave
led ledger
LED light-emitting diode
leg legal, legate, legato, legislation
legis legislation, legislative, legislature
LEM lunar excursion module
L ès S Licentiate in Sciences (Fr. Licencié ès Sciences)
Lev, Levit Leviticus
lex lexicon
lf left field, left fielder, left forward, lightface (printing), low frequency
lg left guard
LG Low German
lg, lge large
LGk Late Greek
lgth length
lh left halfback, left hand
LH luteinizing hormone
LHA local hour angle
LHD Doctor of Humanities (Lat. Litterarum Humaniorum Doctor)
Li lithium
LI lithographer, Long Island
lib book (Lat. liber), librarian, library
Lib Liberal, Liberia
Lieut lieutenant
LIFO last in, first out
LILO last in, last out
lin lineal, linear
ling linguistics
linim liniment
Linn Linnaeus, Linnean
lino linotype
liq liquid, liquor
li qts liquid quarts
lit liter, literal, literally, literary, literature
LitB, LittB Bachelor of Letters or Bachelor of Literature (Lat. Litterarum Baccalaureus)
LitD, LittD Doctor of Letters or Doctor of Literature (Lat. Litterarum Doctor)
lith, litho, lithog lithograph, lithography
Lith Lithuania, Lithuanian
Lk Luke
ll leaves, lines
LL Late Latin, Legal Latin, Low Latin, lower left
LLB Bachelor of Laws (Lat. Legum Baccalaureus)
LLD Doctor of Laws (Lat. Legum Doctor)
LLM Master of Laws (Lat. Legum Magister)
LM Legion of Merit, Licentiate in Medicine, Licentiate in Midwifery, lunar (excursion) module
LMT local mean time
ln lane
LNG liquefied natural gas
loc local, location
local localism
loc cit in the place cited (Lat. loco citato)
log logarithm
long longitude
loq he, she, or it speaks (Lat. loquitur)
lox liquid oxygen
lp large paper, long playing, long primer, low pressure
LPG liquified petroleum gas
LPS Lord Privy Seal
LR living room, long run, lower right
LS left side, library science, Licentiate in Surgery, place of the seal (Lat. locus sigilli), long shot
lsc in the place cited above (Lat. loco supra citato)
LSCA Library Services and Construction Act
LSD landing ship, dock; lysergic acid diethylamide
LSS lifesaving service
LST landing ship, tank
lt left tackle
lt long ton
Lt Lieutenant
LTA Lawn Tennis Association
ltd limited
ltn long ton
LTh Licentiate in Theology
Ltlnf light infantry
Ltjg lieutenant, junior grade
LTL less than truckload lot
LTS launch telemetry station, launch tracking system
Lu lutetium
lubric lubricate, lubrication
Luth Lutheran
Lux Luxemburg
lv leave, leaves
lw low water
Lw Lawrencium
lwl load waterline
lwm low water mark
LXX Septuagint
lyr lyric, lyrical
m majesty, male, manual, mark, married, masculine, mass, measure, medicine, medium, member, meridian, meter, mile, mill, minim, minute, month, moon, morning, mountain, noon (Lat. mendies)
M handful (Lat. manipulus), master, medieval, middle, monsieur, of medicine (Lat. medicinae), Roman numeral for 1,000
Ma masurium
MA machine accountant, Maritime Administration, Massachusetts, Master of Arts (Lat. Magister Artium), mental age, military academy
Mac, Macc Maccabees
MAC mean aerodynamic chord
Maced Macedonia, Macedonian
mach machine, machinery, machinist
Mad Madam
MADD Mothers Against Drunk Driving
Madm Madam
mag magazine, magnet, magnetism, magnitude
MAgr, MAgric Master of Agriculture
maj majority
Maj major
Mal Malachi, Malay, Malayan, Malta
malac malacology
Man manila (paper), Manitoba
Manch Manchukuo, Manchuria, Manchurian
manuf manufacture, manufactured, manufacturer, manufacturing
mar marine, maritime, married
Mar March
March marchioness
marg margarine, margin, marginal
Marq marquess, marquis
mas, masc masculine
MASH mobile Army surgical hospital
Mass Massachusetts
mat matinee, matins, maturity
MAT Master of Arts in Teaching, Miller Analogy Test
MATS Military Air Transport Service
math mathematical, mathematician, mathematics
matr, matric matriculate, matriculation
Matt Matthew
max maximum
Max Maximilian
MB Bachelor of Medicine (Lat. Medicinae Baccalaureus)
MBA Master of Business Administration
MBS Mutual Broadcasting System
mc megacycle, millicurie
MC Maritime Commission, master commandant, master of ceremonies, Medical Corps, member of Congress
MCAT Medical College Admission Test
MCh Master of Surgery (Lat. Magister Chiurgiae)
MCL Master of Civil Law
m/d memorandum of deposit, months’ date
Md Maryland, mendelevium
MD Doctor of Medicine (Lat. Medicinae Doctor), Maryland, medical department, mentally deficient, Middle Dutch
MDS Master of Dental Surgery
mdse merchandise
MDT Mountain Daylight Time
MDu Middle Dutch
me marbled edged (bookbinding)
Me Maine, methyl
ME Maine, mechanical engineer, Methodist Episcopal, Middle English, military engineer, mining engineer
meas measurable, measure
mech, mechan mechanical, mechanics, mechanism
med medical, medicine, medieval, medium
MEd Master of Education
MedGk Medieval Greek
Medit Mediterranean
MedL Medieval Latin
meg megabyte, megacycle, megohm
megs megabytes
mem member, memoir, memorandum, memorial
memo memorandum
mensur mensuration
mep mean effective pressure
mer meridian, meridional
merc mercantile, mercurial, mercury
Messrs messieurs
met metaphor, metaphysics, meteorological, metronome, metropolitan
metal, metall metallurgical, metallurgy
metaph metaphor, metaphorical, metaphysics
metath metathesis, metathetical
meteor, meteorol meteorological, meteorology
meth method, methylated
Meth Methodist
meton metonymy
metrol metrological, metrology
metrop metropolitan
mev million electron volts
Mex Mexican, Mexico
mf fairly loud (It. mezzoforte), millifarad
mf, mfd microfarad
MF medium frequency, Middle French
mfg manufacturing
MFlem Middle Flemish
mfr manufacture, manufacturer
mg milligram
Mg magnesium
MG military government
Mgr manager, monseigneur, monsignor
mgt management
mh millihenry
MH Medal of Honor
MHG Middle High German
mi mile
MI Michigan
Mic Micah
Mich Michigan
micro microcomputer
micros microscope, microscopic, microscopy
MICU mobile intensive care unit
mid middle, midshipman
MidDan Middle Danish
MidSw Middle Swedish
mil mileage, military, militia, million
milit military
mimeo mimeograph, mimeographed
min mineralogical, mineralogy, minim, minimum, mining, minor, minute
mineral mineralogy
Minn Minnesota
mip marine insurance policy, mean indicated pressure
MIPS million instructions per second
MIr Middle Irish
MIRV multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle
misc miscellaneous, miscellany
MISL Major Indoor Soccer League
Miss Mississippi
mkk mark, markka
Mk mark
mkd marked
MKS meter-kilogram-second (system)
mkt market
ml millileter
ML Medieval Latin, Middle Latin, molder
MLA member of the Legislative Assembly, Modern Language Association
MLD minimum lethal dose
MLG Middle Low German
Mlle Mademoiselle (Fr.)
Mlles Mesdemoiselles (Fr.)
MLS Master of Library Science
mm milimeter, thousands (Lat. millia), with the necessary changes (Lat. mutatis mutandis)
MM machinist's mate, messieurs (Fr.)
Mme Madame (Fr.)
Mmes Mesdames (Fr.)
mmf magnetomotive force
mmfd micromicrofarad
mn the name being changed (Lat. mutato nomine)
Μn manganese
MN Minnesota
mo month, monthly
Mo Missouri, molybdenum, Monday
MO mail order, medical officer, Missouri, money order
mod moderate, moderato, modern
ModGr Modern Greek
ModL Modern Latin
Moham Mohammedan
MOI Ministry of Information
mol molecular, molecule
mol wt molecular weight
mon monastery, monetary
Mon Monday, monsignor
Mong Mongolia, Mongolian
monocl monoclinic
monog, monogr monograph
Mons monsieur
Monsig monsignor
Mont Montana
mor morocco (bookbinding)
Mor Moroccan, Morocco
MOR middle of the road
morn morning
morph morpheme, morphological, morphology
mort mortuary
mos months
MOS military occupational specialty
mot motor, motorized
mp melting point, moderately soft (It. mezzo piano)
MP Member of Parliament, military police
MPd Master of Pedagogy
MPE Master of Physical Education
mpg miles per gallon
mph miles per hour
MPPDA Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (Inc.)
Mr Mister
MR machinery repairman, mentally retarded, motivational research
MRA Moral Re-Armament
MRI magentic resonance imaging
Mrs Mistress
ms manuscript, months after sight
MS Master of Science (Lat. Magister Scientiae), mine sweeper, Mississippi, multiple sclerosis, sacred to the memory of (Lat. memoriae sacrum)
MSA Mutual Security Agency
MSc Master of Science
msg message
MSG master sergeant, mono-sodium glutamate
Msgr monsignor
MSgt master sergeant
msl mean sea level
mss manuscripts
MST Mountain Standard Time
mt mean time, metric ton, motor transport, mount, mountain, mountain time
Mt Matthew
MT Montana
mtg meeting, mortgage
mtge mortgage
mtl material, mean tidal level
mtn mountain
MTO Mediterranean Theater of Operations
Mt Rev most reverend
mts mountains
MU musician
mun municipal, municipality
mus museum, music, musician
MusB Bachelor of Music (Lat. Musicae Baccalaureus)
MusD Doctor of Music (Lat. Musicae Doctor)
MusM Master of Music (Lat. Musicae Magister)
mut mutilated, mutual
mv millivolt, softly (It. mezzo voce)
Mv mendelevium
MVA Missouri Valley Authority
MVD Ministry of Internal Affairs (Rus. Ministerstvo Vnutrennikh Del)
MVP most valuable player
MW most worshipful, most worthy
MY May
mya myriare
mycol mycological, micology
myg myriagram
myl myrialiter
mym myriameter
myth, mythol mythological, mythology
n born (Lat. natus), name, net, neuter, neutron, new, nominative, noon, normal, note, noun, number, our (Lat. noster)
N knight (chess), nationalist, navy, nitrogen, Norse, north, northern, November
Na sodium (Lat. natrium)
NA national army, North America
NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
NAB New American Bible
NAD National Academy of Design
Nah Nahum
NAm North American
NAM National Association of Manufacturers
NAS National Academy of Sciences, naval air station
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASCAR National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing
NASL North American Soccer League
nat national, native, natural, naturalist
nathist natural history
natl national
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NATS National Air Transport Service
naut nautical
nav naval, navigable, navigation
navig nagivation, navigator
nb note well (Lat. nota bene)
Nb niobium
NB New Brunswick
NBA National Basketball Association, National Boxing Association
NBC National Broadcasting Company
NbE north by cast
NBS National Bureau of Standards
NbW north by west
nc nitrocellulose
NC no charge, no credit, North Carolina, nurse corps
NCAA National Collegiate Athletic Association
NCar North Carolina
NCE New Catholic Edition (of the Bible)
NCO noncommissioned officer
nd no date
Nd neodymium
ND, NDak North Dakota
Ne neon
NE Nebraska, New England, northeast, northeastern
NEA National Education Association
NEB New English Bible
Neb, Nebr Nebraska
nec not elsewhere classified
NEC National Electrical Code
NED New English Dictionary (Oxford English Dictionary)
neg negative, negatively
Neh Nehemiah
nei not elsewhere indicated
neol neologism
NEP New Economic Policy
nes not elsewhere specified, not elsewhere stated
Neth Netherlands
neur, neurol neurological, neurologic
neut neuter, neutral
Nev Nevada
Newf Newfoundland
NewTest New Testament
nf noun feminine
NF National Formulary, Newfoundland, no funds, Norman French
NFC National Football Conference
NFL National Football League
ng no good
NG national guard, New Guinea
NGk New Greek
NH New Hampshire
NHG New High German
nhp nominal horsepower
NHS National Health Service (Brit.)
Ni nickel
NI Northern Ireland
Nic, Nicar Nicaragua, Nicaraguan
Nig Nigeria, Nigerian
NIH National Institutes of Health
NIMH National Institute of Mental Health
NIRA National Industrial Recovery Act
NIre Northern Ireland
NJ New Jersey
NKVD People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (Rus. Narodnyi Komissariat Vnutrennikh Del)
nl new line (printing), north latitude, not clear (Lat. non liquet), not far (Lat. non longe), not lawful (Lat. non licet)
NL New Latin
Nlat north latitude
NLRB National Labor Relations Board
nm nautical mile, noun masculine
NM, NMex New Mexico
NMR nuclear magnetic resonsance
NMSQT National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test
NMU National Maritime Union
NNE north-northeast
NNW north-northwest
no north, northern, number
No nobelium
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
nob for our part or on our part (Lat. nobis)
nol pros unwilling to prosecute (Lat. nolle prosequi)
nom nomenclature, nominal, nominative
nomin nominative
noncom noncommissioned (officer)
non cul not guilty (Lat. non culpabilis)
non dest notwithstanding (Lat. non destante)
non obs, non obst notwithstanding (Lat. non obstante)
non pros he or she does not prosecute (Lat. non prosequitur)
non seq it does not follow (Lat. non sequitur)
nor north, northern
Nor Norman, Norway, Norwegian
NORAD North American Air Defense Command
norm normal
Norw Norway, Norwegian
nos numbers
nov novelist
Nov November
NOW National Organization for Women, negotiable order of withdrawal
np net proceeds, new paragraph, no paging, no place (of publication)
Np neptunium
NP knight's pawn, neuropsychiatrist, no protest, notary public, unless before (Lat. nisi prius)
NPN nonprotein nitrogen
np or d no place or date
NPR National Public Radio
npt normal pressure and temperature
nr near
NRA National Recovery Administration, National Rifle Association
NRC National Research Council, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
ns near side (shipping), new series, new style, not specified
Ns nimbostratus
NS new style, Nova Scotia
NSC National Security Council
NSF National Science Foundation, not sufficient funds
NSPCA National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
NSPCC National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
NSW New South Wales
nt net
NT New Testament, Northern Territory (Australia)
ntp normal temperature and pressure
NTSB National Transportation Safety Board
nt wt net weight
num number, numeral
Num, Numb Numbers
numis numismatic, numismatics
ny nonvoting (stock)
NV Nevada
NW northwest, northwestern
NWT Northwest Territories (Canada)
NY New York
NYC New York City
NYSE New York Stock Exchange
NZ New Zealand
o octavo, off, ohm, old, only, order, pint (Lat. octavius)
o- ortho-
O ocean, October, Ohio, old, Ontario, Oregon, oxygen
OAPC Office of Alien Property Custodian
OAr Old Arabic
OAS Organization of American States
OAU Organization of African Unity
ob he or she died (Lat. obit), in passing (Lat. obiter), obstetrical, obstetrics
Ob, Obad Obadiah
obb obbligato
obdt obedient
OBE Officer of the (Order of the) British Empire
ob-gyn obstetrician gynecologist, obstetrics gynecology
obit obituary
obj object, objection, objective
obl oblique, oblong
obs obscure, observation, observatory, obsolete, obsolescence
obsol obsolescent
ob s p died without issue (Lat. obit sine prole)
obstet obstetrical, obstetrics
obt obedient
obv obverse
oc in the work cited (Lat. opere citato)
o/c old charter, overcharge
Oc ocean
OC office of censorship, officer commanding, original cover
OCAS Organization of Central American States
occ occasion, occasionally, occident, occidental
occult occultism
OCD Office of Civilian Defense
oceanog oceanography
OCR optical character reading, optical character recognition
OCS office of contract settlement, officer candidate school
oct octavo
Oct October
octupl octuplicate
od olive drab, on demand, outside diameter
OD Doctor of Optometry, officer of the day, Old Dutch, Ordnance Department, overdraft, overdrawn
ODan Old Danish
ODu Old Dutch
OE Old English
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OED Oxford English Dictionary
OEEC Organization for European Economic Cooperation
OEM original equipment manufacture
OES office of economic stabilization, Order of the Eastern Star
OF Old French
off offered, office, official, officinal
OFM Order of Friars Minor
OG officer of the guard, original gum (philately)
OH Ohio
OHG Old High German
OHMS on his or her majesty's service
OIAA office of inter-American affairs
OIC office of information and culture (of the State Department)
OIr Old Irish
OIT office of international trade
OK, Okla Oklahoma
OL Old Latin
Old Test Old Testament
oleo oleomargarine
OM Order of Merit (Brit.)
OMB Office of Management and Budget
ON Old Norse
ONI Office of Naval Intelligence
ONormFr Old Norman French
onomat onomatopoeia, onomatopoeic
ONR Office of Naval Research
Ont Ontario
OOD officer of the day, officer of the deck
op operation, opposite, out of print, overprint, overproof, work (Lat. opus), works (Lat. opera)
OP observation post, Order of Preachers
OPA office of price administration
op cit in the work cited (Lat. opere citato)
OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPer Old Persian
ophthal ophthalmology
opp oppose, opposed, opposite
opt optative, optical, optics
OR operating room, Oregon
orat oratorical, oratory
orch orchestra, orchestral
ord ordained, order, ordinal, ordinance, ordinary, ordnance
ordn ordnance
Ore, Oreg Oregon
org organic, organism, organized
orig origin, original, originally
Ork Orkney (Islands)
ornith, ornithol ornithological, ornithologist, ornithology
orth orthopedic, orthopedics
Orth orthodox
Os osmium
OS Old Saxon, old style, ordinary seaman
OSA Order of Saint Augustine
OSB Order of Saint Benedict
osc oscillating, oscillator
OSerb Old Serbian
OSF Order of Saint Francis
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OSI Old Slavic
OSp Old Spanish
OSRD Office of Scientific Research and Development
OSS Office of Strategic Services
osteo osteopath, osteopathy
OT Old Testament, on truck, overtime
OTC Officer's Training Corps
otol otology
OTS Officer Training School
ott octave (It. ottava)
OW one-way
OWI Office of War Information
Oxon Oxford (Lat. Oxonia)
oz ounce
oz ap apothecary ounce
oz av avoirdupois ounce
ozs ounces
oz t troy ounce
p after (Lat. post), by (Lat. per), by weight (Lat. pondere), first (Lat. primus), for (Lat. pro), in part (Lat. partim), page, part, participle, past, penny, perch (measure), period, perishable, peseta, peso, pint, pipe, pitcher, pole (measure), population, post, power, pressure, softly (It. piano)
p- para- (chemistry)
Ρ bishop (Lat. pontifex), father (Fr. père, Lat. pater), parental, pastor, pawn (chess), pengö, people (Lat. populus), peso, phosphorus, piaster, pope (Lat. papa), president, pressure, priest, prince, prisoner, prompter (theater)
P- pursuit (military)
pa for the year (Lat. pro anno), paper, participial adjective, particular average (insurance), public address, yearly (Lat. per annum)
Pa Pennsylvania, protactinium
PA passenger agent, Pennsylvania, personal assistant, physician's assistant, power of attorney, press agent, private account, public address (system), purchasing agent
PABA para-aminobenzoic acid
Pac, Pacif Pacific
PAC Pan-American Congress, political action committee
p ae equal parts (Lat. partes aequales)
Pal Palestine
paleob paleobotany
paleog paleography
paleontol paleontology
palm palmistry
pam, pamph pamphlet
Pan Panama
p and h postage and handling
Ρ and L profit and loss
pap paper
par paragraph, parallel, parenthesis
Par, Para Paraguay
paren parenthesis
parens parentheses
parl parliamentary
part participle, particular
pass everywhere (Lat. passim), passage, passenger, passive
pat patent, patented, patrol, pattern
PAT point after touchdown
patd patented
path, pathol pathology
Pat Off Patent Office
pat pend patent pending
PAU Pan American Union
PAYE pay as you earn, pay as you enter
payt payment
PB Pharmacopoeia Britannica, prayer book
PBA Public Buildings Administration
PBS Public Broadcasting Service, Public Buildings Service
PBX private branch (telephone) exchange
pc after meals (Lat. post cibos), percent, percentage, piece, postcard, price
p/c petty cash, price current
PC personal computer, police constable, post commander, Privy Council, professional corporation
PCA Progressive Citizens of America
PCB polychlorinated biphenyl
Pcs preconscious
pet percent
pd by the day (Lat. per diem), paid, potential difference
Pd palladium
PD per diem, phenyl dichloride, police department, postal district
PdB Bachelor of Pedagogy (Lat. Pedagogiae Baccalaureus)
PdD Doctor of Pedagogy (Lat. Pedagogiae Doctor)
PdM Master of Pedagogy (Lat. Pedagogiae Magister)
PDT Pacific Daylight Time
p/e price-earnings ratio
PE petroleum engineer, presiding elder, printer's error, probable error, Protestant Episcopal
ped pedal, pedestal, pedestrian
PEI Prince Edward Island
pen peninsula, penitent, penitentiary
PEN (International Association of) Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists, and Novelists
Penn, Penna Pennsylvania
penol penology
per period, person
per an, per ann by the year (Lat. per annum)
perd, perden dying away (It. perdendo)
perf perfect, perforated, performer
perh perhaps
perm permanent
perp perpendicular, perpetual
pers person, personal
Pers Persia, Persian
persp perspective
pert pertaining
Peru, Peruv Peruvian
pet petroleum
petn petition
petrog petrography
petrol petrology
pf louder (It. più forte), pfennig (coin), power factor
pg page
PFC private first class
pfd preferred
pfg pfennig (coin)
Pg Portugal, Portuguese
PG past grand (master), paying guest, postgraduate
PGA Professional Golfers’ Association
ph phrase
Ph phenyl
PH Purple Heart
phar, pharm pharmaceutical, pharmacist, pharmacy
PharB Bachelor of Pharmacy (Lat. Pharmaciae Baccalaureus)
PharD Doctor of Pharmacy (Lat. Pharmaciae Doctor)
PharM Master of Pharmacy (Lat. Pharmaciae Magister)
pharmacol pharmacology
PhB Bachelor of Philosophy (Lat. Philosophiae Baccalaureus)
PhC pharmaceutical chemist
PhD Doctor of Philosophy (Lat. Philosophiae Doctor)
phil philosopher, philosophical, philosophy
Phil Philippians, Philippines
Phila Philadelphia
philol philology
philos philosopher, philosophical, philosophy
phon phonetic, phonetics, phonology
phonet phonetic, phonetics
phot, photo, photog photograph, photographer, photographic, photography
photom photometrical, photometry
phr phrase
phren, phrenol phrenological, phrenology
PHS Public Health Service
phys physical, physician, physicist, physics
physiol physiological, physiology
Pi, pias piaster
pict pictorial, picture
pil pill (Lat. pilla)
pinx he or she painted (Lat. pinxit)
PIO public information officer
pizz plucked (music) (It. pizzicato)
pk pack, park, peak, peck
pkg package
pkt packet
PKU phenylketonuria
pl place, plate, plural
plat plateau, platform, platoon
plen plenipotentiary
plf, plff plaintiff
plu plural
plup, plupf pluperfect
plur plural, plurality
pm after death (Lat. post mortem), afternoon (Lat. post meridiem), postmortem
Pm promethium
PM pacific mail, past master, paymaster, police magistrate, postmaster, prime minister, provost marshall
pmk postmark
pmkd postmarked
pn promissory note
pneum pneumatic, pneumatics
png a person who is not acceptable (Lat. persona non grata)
PNG Papua New Guinea
pnxt he or she painted (Lat. pinxit)
po personnel officer, petty officer, postal order, post office, put-out
Po polonium
PO post office
POC port of call
pod pay on delivery
PoD Doctor of Podiatry
POD Post Office Department
POE port of embarkation, port of entry
poet poetic, poetical, poetry
pol, polit political, politics
Pol Poland, Polish
pol econ, polit econ political economy
pop popular, population
POP point of purchase
por pay on return
port portrait
Port Portugal, Portuguese
pos, posit position, positive
poss possession, possessive, possible, possibly
post postal
pot potential
POW prisoner of war
pp pages, parcel post, parish priest, past participle, postpaid, privately printed, very softly (It. pianissimo)
PP pellagra preventive (factor)
ppc to take leave (Fr. pour prendre congé)
ppd postpaid, prepaid
pph pamphlet
ppi policy proof of interest
PPI plan position indicator (radar)
ppl participle, past participle
ppm parts per million
ppp pianissimo
ppr present participle
pps additional postscript (Lat. post postscriptum), Parliamentary private secretary
ppv pay per view (television)
pq previous questions
PQ Province of Quebec
pr pair, pairs, paper, power, preferred, preposition, present, price, priest, prince, printing, pronoun
Pr praesodymium
PR proportional representation, public relations, Puerto Rico
preb prebend, prebendary
prec preceding
pred predicate, predication, predicative, prediction
pref preface, prefatory, preference, preferred, prefix
prelim preliminary
prem premium
prep preparation, preparatory, prepare, preposition
pres present, presidency, president, presumptive
Presb, Presbyt presbyter, Presbyterian
pret preterit
prev previous, previously
prim primary, primitive
prin principal, principally, principle
print printer, printing
priv private, privately, privative
prn whenever necessary (Lat. pro re nata)
pro professional
PRO Professional Review Organization, public relations officer
prob probable, probably, problem
proc proceedings, process, proclamation
prod produce, produced, product
prof professor
prog program, progress, progressive
prom promenade, promontory
pron pronoun, pronounced, pronunciation
pronom pronominal
prop proper, properly, property, proposition, proprietary, proprietor
propr proprietary, proprietor
pros prosody
Prot protectorate, Protestant
pro tem for the time being (Lat. pro tempore)
prov proverbial, providence, provident, province, provincial, provision, provost
Prov Proverbs
prox next (month) (Lat. proximo)
prs pairs
prtd printed
prtg printing
Prus, Pruss Prussia, Prussian
prv to return a call (Fr. pour rendre visite)
ps passenger steamer, permanent secretary, pieces, postscript, private secretary, prompt side (theater), pseudonym, public sale
Ps Psalms
PS police sergeant, Privy Seal, public school
PSAT Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test
pseud pseudonym
psf pounds per square foot
psi pounds per square inch
PSRO Professional Standards Review Organization
pss postscripts
PSS Psalms
PST Pacific Standard Time
psych, psychol psychological, psychologist, psychology
psychoanal psychoanalysis
pt for the time being (Lat. pro tempore), part, part time, payment, pint, point, port, post town, postal telegraph, preterit
Pt platinum
PT part time, physical training
pta peseta
PTA Parent-Teachers’ Association
ptbl portable
ptg printing
pts parts, payments, pints
PTSA Parent-Teacher-Student Association
pty proprietary
Pu plutonium
pub public, publication, published, publisher
publ publication, published, publisher
pulv pulverized
punct punctuation
pur, purch purchaser, purchasing
pv par value, post village, priest vicar
PVC polyvinyl chloride
Pvt private
PW prisoner of war
PWA Public Works Administration
PWP Parents Without Partners
pwr power
pwt pennyweight
PX post exchange
pymt payment
q quart, quarter, quarterly, quarto, query, question, queen
Q quarto, Quebec, queen (chess)
qb quarterback
QB Queen's Bench, queen's bishop (chess)
QBP queen's bishop's pawn (chess)
QC Quartermaster Corps, Queen's Counsel
qd as if he or she had said (Lat. quasi dixisset), as if one should say (Lat. quasi dicat), as if said (Lat. quasi dictum)
qe which is (Lat. quod est)
QED which was to be demonstrated (Lat. quod erat demonstrandum)
QEF which was to be done (Lat. quod erat faciendum)
QEI which was to be found out (Lat. quod erat inveniendum)
QID four times a day (Lat. quater in die)
ql as much as you please (Lat. quantum libet), quintal
Qld Queensland
qlty quality
QM quartermaster
QMC Quartermaster Corps
QMG quartermaster general
qn question
QN queen's knight (chess)
QNP queen's knight's pawn (chess)
QP queen's pawn (chess)
q pl, QP as much as you wish (Lat. quantum placeat)
Qq quartos
qqv which see (plural) (Lat. quos vide)
qr quarter, quarterly, quire
QR queen's rook (chess)
QRP queen's rook's pawn (chess)
qrs farthings (Lat. quadrantes), quarters, quires
qrtly quarterly
qs as much as suffices (Lat. quantum sufficit), quarter section
qt quantity, quart, quiet
qto quarto
qts quarts
qu quart, queen, query, question
quad quadrangle, quadrant, quadrat, quadrilateral, quadruple, quadruplet
quar, quart quarter, quarterly
Que Quebec
ques question
quin, quint quintuple, quintuplet
quor quorum
quot quotation, quoted
qv as much as you will (Lat. quantum vis), which see (Lat. quod vide)
qy query
r range, rare, received, recipe, residence, resides, retired, right, right-hand page (Lat. reeto), rises, river, road, rod, roentgen, royal, rubber, ruble, run
R commonwealth (Lat. res publica), gas constant (chemistry), king (Lat. rex), queen (Lat. regina), rabbi, radical (chemistry), radius, railroad, railway, ratio, Réaumur, rector, redactor, Republican, resistance (electrical), respond or response (ecclesiastical), ring (chemistry), rook (chess), ruble, rupee, take (Lat. recipe)
Ra radium
RA rear admiral, regular army, right ascension, Royal Academy
rad radical, radio, radius, root (Lat. radix)
RAF Royal Air Force
ral, rall gradually slower (It. rallentando)
RAM random-access memory
R&D research and development
RAR radio acoustic ranging
Rb rubidium
rbi run batted in
RC Red Cross, reserve corps, Roman Catholic
RCAF Royal Canadian Air Force
RCCh Roman Catholic Church
rcd received
RCMP Royal Canadian Mounted Police
RCP Royal College of Physicians
rcpt receipt
RCS Royal College of Surgeons
Rct recruit
rd reduce, rix-dollar, road, rod, round
Rd Radium, road
RD research and development, rural delivery
re right end
Re rhenium, rupee
RE real estate, Reformed Episcopal, right excellent, Royal Engineers
REA Rural Electrification Administration
react reactance (electricity)
rec receipt, received, recipe, record, recorded, recorder, recording
recd received
recip reciprocal, reciprocity
recit recitative
rec sec recording secretary
rect receipt, rectified, rector, rectory
red reduced, reduction
redisc rediscount
redup, redupl reduplicated, reduplication
ref referee, reference, referred, refining, reformation, reformed
Ref Ch Reformed Church
refl reflection, reflective, reflectively, reflex, reflexive
refrig refrigeration
reg regent, regiment, region, register, registered, registrar, registry, regular, regularly, regulation, regulator
Reg queen (Lat. regina)
regt regent, regiment
REIT real estate investment trust
rel relating, relative, relatively, released, religion, religious
rel pron relative pronoun
rem remittance
REM rapid eye movement
rep repair, repeat, report, reporter, representative, reprint, republic
Rep representative, republic, Republican
repr representing, reprinted
Repub Republican
req required, requisition
res research, reserve, residence, resides, residue, resigned, resistance, resistor, resolution
resp respective, respiration, respondent
rest restaurant
Resurr Resurrection
ret retain, retired, returned
retd retained, returned
retrog retrogressive
rev revenue, reverse, reversed, review, revise, revised, revision, revolution, revolving
Rev Revelation, reverend
Rev Ver Revised Version (of the Bible)
rf radio frequency, range finder, rapid fire, right field, right fielder, right forward
RFA Royal Field Artillery
RFC Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Royal Flying Corps
RFD rural free delivery
rg right guard
RGB red-blue-green television tube
rh relative humidity, right halfback, right hand
Rh Rhesus (blood factor), rhodium
RH Royal highness
rhap rhapsody
rhbdr rhombohedral
rhet rhetoric, rhetorical
rhin, rhinol rhinology
rhomb rhombic
rhp rated horsepower
RI king and emperor (Lat. rex et imperator), queen and empress (Lat. regina et imperatrix), Rhode Island
rip supplementary (music) (It. ripieno)
RIP may he, she, or they rest in peace (Lat. requiescat or requiescant in pace)
RISC reduced instruction set computer
rit slow (It. ritardando)
riv river
rkva reactive kilovolt-ampere
rm ream, room
Rm Reichsmark
rms reams, rooms, root mean square
Rn radon
RN Royal Navy
RNA ribonucleic acid
RNR Royal Naval Reserve
RNWMP Royal Northwest Mounted Police
ro recto, rood
ROK Republic of Korea
rom roman (type)
Rom Roman, Romance, Romania, Romanian, Romans
ROM read-only memory
ROP record of production, run of press
rot rotating, rotation
ROTC Reserve Officers’ Training Corps
roul roulette (philately)
roy royal
RP Reformed Presbyterian, Regius Professor
RPD Doctor of Political Science (Lat. Rerum Politicarum Doctor)
rpm revolutions per minute
RPO railway post office
rps revolutions per second
rpt report
rr very rarely (Lat. rarissime)
RR railroad, right reverend
RRB Railroad Retirement Board
rs reis, rupees
RS recording secretary, reformed spelling, revised statutes
RSFSR Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic
RSV Revised Standard Version (of the Bible)
rsvp please reply (Fr. répondez s’il vous plait)
RSVP Retired Seniors Volunteer Program
rt right, right tackle
Rt Hon right honorable
Rt Rev right reverend
Rts rights
Ru Ruth, ruthenium
rub ruble
Rus, Russ Russia, Russian
RV recreational vehicle, Revised Version (of the Bible)
rva reactive volt-ampere
RW right worshipful, right worthy
ry railway
s buried (Lat. sepultus), fellow (Lat. socius or sodalis), lies (Lat. situs), sacral, saint, school, scribe, second, secondary, section, see, semi-, senate, series, set, shilling (Lat. solidus), sign, signed, silver, singular, sire, socialist, society, solo, son, soprano, southern, steel, stem, stere, stock, substantive, sun, surplus
s- symmetrical (chemistry)
S knight (chess) (Ger. Springer), sabbath, Saturday, Saxon, seaman, Senate, September, signature, Signor, south, southern, sulfur, Sunday
Sa samarium, Samuel
SA corporation (Fr. société anonyme), Salvation Army, seaman apprentice, sex appeal, South Africa, South America, South Australia
Sab sabbath
SAC Strategic Air Command
SADD Students Against Driving Drunk
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SAfr South Africa, South African
SALT strategic arms limitation talks
SAm, SAmer South America, South American
SAM surface-to-air missile
Sans, Sansk Sanskrit
S ap apothecary's scruple
SAR Sons of the American Revolution
Sask Saskatchewan
sat saturated, saturation
Sat Saturday, Saturn
SAT Scholastic Aptitude Test
sav savings
sb stolen base, substantive
Sb antimony (Lat. stibium)
SB Bachelor of Science (Lat. Scientiae Baccalaureus)
SBA Small Business Administration
SbE south by east
SbW south by west
sc he or she carved or engraved it (Lat. sculpsit), namely (Lat. scilicet), salvage charges, scale, scene, science, screw, scruple (weight), sized and calendered, small capitals (printing), supercalendered
Sc scandium, stratocumulus
SC Security Council (of the United Nations), Signal Corps, South Carolina, Supreme Court
Scan, Scand Scandinavia, Scandinavian
s caps small capitals (printing)
ScB Bachelor of Science (Lat. Scientiae Baccalaureus)
ScD Doctor of Science (Lat. Scientiae Doctor)
sch school, schooner
sched schedule
schol scholar, scholastic
sci science, scientific
sci fa show cause (Lat. scire facias)
scil namely (Lat. scilicet)
ScM Master of Science (Lat. Scientiae Magister)
Scot Scotland, Scots, Scottish
scr scrip, script, scruple (weight)
Script scriptural, scriptures
sculpt he or she carved it (Lat. sculpsit), sculptor
sd indefinitely (without date) (Lat. sine die), standard deviation
SD Doctor of Science (Lat. Scientiae Doctor), South Dakota, steward
SDR special drawing rights
SDS Students for a Democratic Society
Se selenium
SE southeast, southeastern
SEATO Southest Asia Treaty Organization
sec according to (Lat. secundum), secant, second, secondary, secretary, section, sector
SEC Securities and Exchange Commission
sec-ft second-foot
sech hyperbolic secant
sec leg according to law (Lat. secundum legem)
sec reg according to rule (Lat. secundum regulam)
secs seconds, sections
sect section, sectional
secy secretary
seg segment
seismol seismology
sel selected, selection
Sem seminary, Semitic
sen senate, senator, senior
sent sentence
sep sepal, separate
Sep, Sept September, Septuagint
seq sequel
seq, seqq the following (Lat. sequens, sequentia)
ser serial, series, sermon
serv servant, service
sess session
sf, sforz with emphasis (It. sforzando, sforzato)
SFSR Soviet Federated Socialist Republic
sfz with emphasis (It. sforzando, sforzato)
sg senior grade, specific gravity
sgd signed
Sgt sergeant
sh share, sheet, shilling, shunt
SHAEF Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Forces
Shak Shakespeare
SHAPE Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers (Europe)
SHF super-high frequency
shipt, shpt shipment
shtg shortage
sh tn short ton
Si silicon
SI international system of weights and measures (Fr. Système International), Staten Island
Sib Siberia, Siberian
SIDS sudden infant death syndrome
sig signal, signature, signor, signore, signori
sigill seal (Lat. sigillum)
sim simile
sin sine
sing singular
sinh hyperbolic sine
SIPC Securities Investment Protection Corporation
sist sister
sj under consideration (Lat. sub judice)
SJ Society of Jesus (Lat. Societas Jesu)
SJD Doctor of Juridicial Science (Lat. Scientiae Juridicae Doctor)
sk sack
Skr, Skt Sanskrit
sl without place (Lat. sine loco)
slan without place, date, or name (Lat. sine loco, anno, vel nomine)
S lat south latitude
Slav Slavic, Slavonian
sld sailed, sealed
slp without lawful issue (Lat. sine legitima prole)
SLR single-lens reflex (camera)
sm small
Sm samarium
SM Master of Science (Lat. Scientiae Magister), sergeant major, state militia
sm c, sm caps small capitals
smorz dying away (It. smorzando)
smp without male issue (Lat. sine mascula prole)
SMSA standard metropolitan statistical area
sn without name (Lat. sine nomine)
Sn tin (Lat. stannum)
so seller's option, strike out
So south, southern
soc socialist, society
sociol sociologist, sociology
sol solicitor, soluble, solution
Sol Solomon
soln solution
Som Somalia
son sonata
sop soprano
SOP standard operating procedure
SOPA senior officer present a-float
sos, sost, sosten sustained (It. sostenuto)
sp single phase, single pole, special, species, specific, specimen, spelling, spirit, without issue (Lat. sine prole)
Sp Spain, Spaniard, Spanish
SP shore patrol, shore police
SPAS Fellow of the American Philosophical Society (Lat. Societatis Philosophiae Americanae Socius)
SPCA Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
SPCC Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
spec special, specification, speculation
specif specifically
spg spring
sp gr specific gravity
sp ht specific heat
sph spherical
spp species (plural)
SPQR government and people of Rome (Lat. Senatus populusque Romanus)
SPR Society for Psychical Research
spt seaport
sq sequence, square, the following (Lat. sequentia)
Sq squadron, Square (street)
sq ft square foot
sq in square inch
sq mi square mile
sq rd square rod
sq yd square yard
sr steradian
Sr senior, señor, sir, sister, strontium
Sra señora
SRO standing room only
Srta señorita
ss namely (in law) (Lat. scilicet), shortstop
SS saints, Silver Star, steamship, storm troopers (Ger. Schutz-staffeln), Sunday school, written above (Lat. supra scriptum)
SSA Social Security Act (Administration)
SSB Social Security Board
SSE south-southeast
SSgt staff sergeant
SSR Soviet Socialist Republic
SSS Selective Service System
SST supersonic transport
SSW south-southwest
st short ton, stand, stanza, statute, stet, stitch, stone (weight), street, strophe
St saint, straight, strait, stratus, street
sta station, stationary, stator
Sta saint (Sp. Santa), station
stac, stacc staccato
stan stanchion
Staph staphylococcus
stat immediately (Lat. statim), static, stationary, statistics, statuary, statute
STB Bachelor of Sacred Theology (Lat. Sacrae Theologiae Baccalaureus)
stbd starboard
std standard
STD Doctor of Sacred Theology (Lat. Sacrae Theologiae Doctor), sexually transmitted disease
Ste saint (Fr. Sainte)
steno, stenog stenographer, stenography
ster, stg sterling
St Ex stock exchange
stge storage
stip stipend, stipendiary, stipulation
Stir Stirling, Stirlingshire
stk stock
STOL short take-off and landing
stor storage
stp stamped
STP standard temperature and pressure
str steamer, strait, string
Strep streptococcus
stud student
sub subaltern, submarine, subscription, substitute, suburb, suburban, understand (or supply) (Lat. subaudi)
subd subdivision
subj subject, subjective, subjunctive
subs subscription, subsidiary
subseq subsequent, subsequently
subst substantive, substitute
succ successor
suf, suff suffix
sug, sugg suggested, suggestion
Sun, Sund Sunday
sup above (Lat. supra), superfine, superior, superlative, supplement, supplementary, supply, supreme
super superfine, superintendent, superior, supernumerary
superl superlative
supp, suppl supplement, supplementary
supr supreme
supt superintendent
sur surcharged, surplus
surg surgeon, surgery, surgical
surr surrender, surrendered
surv survey, surveying, surveyor, surviving
susp suspended
sv sailing vessle, under this word (Lat. sub verbo)
SV Holy Virgin (Lat. Sancta Virgo)
SW southwest, southwestern
Sw Sweden, Swedish
SWA, SWAfr South-West Africa
SWAT special weapons and tactics (team)
Swe, Swed Sweden, Swedish
Swit, Switz, Swtz Switzerland
syl, syll syllable
sym symbol, symmetrical, symphony
syn synchronize, synonym, synonymous, synonymy
syr syrup (pharmacy)
Syr Syria, Syriac, Syrian
syst system, systematic
t in the time of (Lat. tempore), tare, target, teaspoon, telephone, temperature, tempo, tenor, tense (grammar), terminal, territory, time, tome, ton, town, township, transit, transitive, troy (weight), volume (Lat. tomus)
T tablespoon, tantalum, technician, temperature (absolute), tension (surface), testament, time, trinity, Tuesday, Turkish
Ta tantalum
tab table, tablet
TAC Tactical Air Command, Technical Assistance Committee
tal qual as they come (or average quality) (Lat. talis qualis)
tan tangent
tanh hyperbolic tangent
TAP Technical Assistance Program
tart tartaric
taut tautological, tautology
tb trial balance
Tb terbium
TB tubercule bacillus, tuberculosis
tba to be announced
tbs, tbsp tablespoon, tablespoonful
tc tierce
Tc technetium
TC Trusteeship Council (of the United Nations)
tchr teacher
td touchdown
TD tank destroyer, tradesman, traffic director, Treasury Department
tdn total digestible nutrients
Te tellurium
tech technical, technological, techonology
technol technology
TEFL teaching English as a foreign language
tel telegram, telegraph, telegraphic, telephone
telecom telecommunication
teleg telegram, telegraph, telegraphic, telegraphy
temp in the time of (Lat. tempore), temperature, temporary
ten hold (It. tenuto), tenement, tenor
Tenn Tennessee
terr terrace, territorial, territory
term terminal, termination, terminology
test testamentary, testator
Test testament
tetr, tetrag tetragonal
Teut Teuton, Teutonic
Tex Texas, Texan
tfr transfer
tg type genus
TGIF thank God it's Friday
tgt target
Th thorium
Th Thursday
ThB Bachelor of Theology (Lat. Theologiae Baccalaureus)
ThD Doctor of Theology (Lat. Theologiae Doctor)
Th-Em thoron (thorium emanation)
theol theologian, theological, theology
theor theorem
theos theosophical, theosophist, theosophy
therm thermometer
thermochem thermochemical, thermochemistry
thermodynam thermodynamics
Thess Thessalonians, Thessaly
THI temperature-humidity index
Thu, Thurs Thursday
Ti titanium
t i d three times daily (Lat. ter in die)
tinct tincture
tit title
Tit Titus
tk truck
TKO technical knock-out
Tl thallium
TL trade last
T/L time loan
TLC tender loving care
tm true mean
Tm thulium
TMH trainable mentally handicapped
tn ton, train
Tn thoron
TN Tennessee
tng training
TNT trinitrotoluene, trinitrotoluol
to turn over, turnover
tonn tonnage
top, topog topographical, topography
tp title page, township, troop
tpke turnpike
tpr temperature, pulse, respiration
tps townships
tr tare, tincture, trace, train, transitive, translated, translation, translator, transpose, treasurer, trust
Tr terbium, troop
trag tragedy, tragic
trans transactions, transfer, transferred, transitive, translated, translation, translator, transportation, transpose, transverse
transf transfer, transference, transferred
transl translated, translation
transp transparent, transportation
trav traveler, travels
treas treasurer, treasury
trf transfer, tuned radio frequency
trfd transferred
tricl triclinic (crystal)
trig trigonometric, trigonomy
trim trimetric (crystal)
triple triplicate
trit triturate
trl trail
trop tropic, tropical, tropics
ts tensile strength
TSgt technical sergeant
tsp teaspoon, teaspoonful
Tu thulium
Tu Tuesday
TU trade union, training unit
TUC Trades Union Congress (Brit.)
Tue, Tues Tuesday
Turk Turkey, Turkish
TV television, terminal velocity
TVA Tennessee Valley Authority
twp township
TX Texas
Ty territory
typ, typo, typog typographer, typographic, typographer
typo typographic error
typw typewriter, typewritten
u and (Ger. und), uncle, university, upper
U uranium
UAW United Automobile (Aircraft, and Agricultural Implement) Workers (of America)
uc upper case (printing)
UCMJ Uniform Code of Military Justice
UFO unidentified flying object
UHF ultra-high frequency
UJD Doctor of Civil and Canon Law (Lat. Utriusque Juris Doctor)
UK United Kingdom
Ukr Ukraine
ult ultimate, ultimately
ult, ulto last month (Lat. ultimo)
UMT universal military training
UMW United Mine Workers
UN United Nations
unabr unabridged
unb, unbd unbound (book-binding)
undsgd undersigned
undtkr undertaker
UNEDA United Nations Economic Development Administration
Unesco, UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
ung ointment (Lat. unguentum)
UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund (originally United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund)
Unit Unitarian, Unitarianism
univ universal, universally, university
Univ Universalist
unl unlimited
unm unmarried
unof unofficial
unp unpaged
unpub unpublished
UNREF United Nations Refugee Emergency Fund
UNRRA United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
UNRWA United Nations Relief and Works Agency
UNSCOB United Nations Special Committee on the Balkans
UP Union Pacific (railroad), United Press
UPC universal product code
UPI United Press International
UPS United Parcel Service
UPU Universal Postal Union (of the United Nations)
Ur uranium
urol urology
Uru Uruguay, Uruguayan
us as above (Lat. ut supra), in the place mentioned above (Lat. ubi supra)
US United States
USA United States Army, United States of America
USAF United States Air Force
USC&GS United States Coast and Geodetic Survey
USCG United States Coast Guard
USDA United States Department of Agriculture
USES United States Employment Service
USIA United States Information Agency
USM United States Mail, United States Marines, United States Mint
USMA United States Military Academy
USMC United States Marine Corps, United States Maritime Commission
USN United States Navy
USNA United States Naval Academy
USNG United States National Guard
USNR United States Naval Reserve
USO United Service Organizations
USOE United States Office of Education
USP United States patent, United States Pharmacopoeia
US Pharm United States Pharmacopoeia
USPHS United States Public Health Service
USPS United States Postal Service
USS United States Senate, United States Ship
USSCt United States Supreme Court
USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
usu usual, usually
usw and so forth (Ger. und so weiter)
USW United Steel Workers
ut universal time, utility
Ut, UT Utah
UTC universal time coordinate
ut dict as directed (Lat. ut dictum)
ut sup as above (Lat. ut supra)
UTWA United Textile Workers of America
ux wife (Lat. uxor)
v against (Lat. versus), of (Ger. von), see (Lat. vide), valve, ventral, verb, verse, version, versus, vicar, vice-, village, vision, vocative, voice, volt, voltage, volume, volunteer, von
V vanadium, vector, velocity, venerable, victory, viscount, volume
va active verb, verbal adjective, volt-ampere
Va Virginia
VA Veterans Administration, Vicar apostolic, vice admiral, (Order of) Victoria and Albert, Virginia
vac vacuum
val valentine, valuation, value
var reactive volt-ampere, variant, variation, variety, various
Vat Vatican
VAT value-added tax
v aux auxiliary verb
vb verb, verbal
vb n verbal noun
VC Veterinary Corps, vice chairman, vice chancellor, vice consul, Victoria Cross
vd vapor density, various dates
Vd vanadium
VD venereal disease
VDT video display terminal
VDU video display unit
veg vegetable, vegetation
vel vellum (bookbinding)
Ven venerable, Venice, Venus
Venez Venezuela, Venezualan
vent ventilating, ventilation, ventilator
ver verse, version
vers versed sine, versine
vert vertebra, vertebrate, vertical
ves vessel, vestry, vesicle, vesicular
vet veteran, veterinarian, veterinary
veter veterinary
VFD volunteer fire department
VFR visual flight rules
VFW Veterans of Foreign Wars (of the United States)
vg for example (Lat. verbi gratia)
VG vicar general
VHF very high frequency
vi see below (Lat. vide infra), intransitive verb
Vi virginium
VI Virgin Islands
vic vicar, vicarage
Vic, Vict Victoria, Victorian
vil village
v imp impersonal verb
VIP very important person
v irr irregular verb
vis visibility, visual
Vis, Visc, Visct viscount, viscountess
VISTA Volunteers in Service to America
viv lively (music) (Lat. vivace)
viz namely (Lat. videlicet)
VL Vulgar Latin
VLF very low frequency
vm voltmeter
VMD Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (Lat. Veterinariae Medicinae Doctor)
vn, v neut neuter verb
vo verso
vocab vocabulary
vol volcano, volume, volunteer
volc volcanic, volcano
vols volumes
vox pop voice of the people (Lat. vox populi)
voy voyage
vp passive verb, various pagings, various places, voting pool (stocks)
VP vice president
vr reflexive verb
VR Queen Victoria (Lat. Victoria Regina)
V Rev very reverend
vs see above (Lat. vide supra), versus, vibration seconds (sound), volumetric solution
VS veterinary surgeon
VSS versions
vt transitive verb
Vt, VT Vermont
VTOL vertical take-off and landing
Vul, Vulg Vulgate
vulg vulgar, vulgarity
vv verses, vice versa, violins
w wanting, warden, warehousing, watt, week, weight, west, western, wide, width, wife, with, won, word, work
W tungsten (Ger. wolfram), Wales, Washington, watt, Wednesday, Welsh, west, western
WA Washington (state)
WAC Women's Army Corps
wae when actually employed
WAF Women in the Air Force
war warrant
WASP Women's Air Force Service Pilots
watt-hr watt-hour
WAVES Women Appointed for Voluntary Emergency Service
wb warehouse book, water ballast, westbound
W/B waybill
WbN west by north
WbS west by south
wc water closet, without charge
WCTU Women's Christian Temperance Union
Wed Wednesday
wf wrong font (printing)
WFlem West Flemish
WFTU World Federation of Trade Unions
WGmc, WGer West Germanic
wh, whr watt-hour
whf wharf
WHO World Health Organization (of the United Nations)
wi when issued (stocks), wrought iron
WI West Indies, West Indian, Wisconsin
WInd West Indies
Wis, Wisc Wisconsin
wk weak, week, work
wkly weekly
wks weeks, works
wl water line, wavelength
wldr welder
W long west longitude
wm wattmeter
wmk watermark
WMO World Meteorological Organization (of the United Nations)
WNW west-northwest
WO wait order, warrant officer
wp weather permitting, wire payment, word processing
WPA Work Projects Administration, Works Progress Administration
wpm words per minute
WRAC Women's Royal Army Corps
WRAF Women's Royal Air Force
WREN, WRNS Women's Royal Naval Service
wrnt warrant
WSW west-southwest
wt weight
WV, WVa West Virginia
WVS Women's Volunteer Service
WY, Wyo Wyoming
x symbol for an unknown quantity
X Christ, Christian, a ten-dollar bill, xenon
xc ex-coupon
xd unlisted (ex-directory), ex-dividend
Xe xenon
x-int ex-interest
Xmas Christmas
Xn Christian
Xnt Christianity
x ref cross-reference
x-rts ex-rights
Xtian Christian
Xty Christianity
xyl xylograph
y yard, year, younger, youngest
Y Young Men's Christian Association, Young Men's Hebrew Association, Young Women's Christian Association, Young Women's Hebrew Association, yttrium
Yb ytterbium
yd yard
yds yards
Yid Yiddish
YM, YMCA Young Men's Christian Association
YM, YMHA Young Men's Hebrew Association
YPSCE Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor
yr year, younger, your
yrs years, yours
YSL Young Socialists’ League
Yt yttrium
YT Yukon Territory
YW Young Women's Christian Association, Young Women's Hebrew Association
YWCA Young Women's Christian Association
YWHA Young Women's Hebrew Association
z zone
Z zenith distance, zone
Zec, Zech Zechariah
Zep, Zeph Zephaniah
Z/F zone of fire
Zn zinc
zool zoological, zoologist, zoology
ZPG zero population growth
Zr zirconium