Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Definition of: abase
(ə·bās′) v.t. a·based, a·bas·ing
1. To lower in position, rank, prestige, or estimation; cast down; humble.
2. Obs. To reduce in value, as coinage; debase. [<OF abaissier < a to + baissier to lower <L ad- + LL bassus low]
—a·bas·ed·ly (ə·bā′sid·lē) adverb
—a· bas′ed·ness noun
—a·bas′er noun
—a·base′ment n. Synonyms: debase, degrade, depress, discredit, disgrace, dishonor, humble, humiliate, lower, reduce, sink. Abase generally refers to outward conditions, debase to quality or character: The coinage is debased by excess of alloy, the person by vice. Humble refers chiefly to the feelings, humiliate to outward conditions. To disgrace is chiefly applied to deserved moral odium: he disgraced himself by his conduct. To dishonor a person is to deprive him of honor that should or might be given. To discredit one is to injure his reputation. Degrade may refer to station, but is now chiefly used of character: drunkenness is a degrading vice. Antonyms: advance, aggrandize, dignify, elevate, exalt, honor, promote, raise, uplift.
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