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Definition of: reduce
(ri·ds′, -dy
s′) v. ·duced, ·duc·ing v.t.
1. To make less in size, amount, number, intensity, etc.; diminish.
2. To bring from a higher to a lower condition; lower; degrade.
3. To bring to submission; subdue; conquer.
4. To bring to a specified condition or state: with to: to reduce rock to powder; to reduce a person to desperation.
5. To thin (paint, etc.) with oil or turpentine.
6. Math. To change (an expression) to a more elementary form.
7. Surg. To restore (displaced parts) to normal position.
8. Chem. a To decrease the positive valence of (an element) by the addition of electrons. b To deprive wholly or partially of oxygen; deoxidize.
9. Phot. To diminish the density of (a photographic negative).
10. To become less in any way.
11. To decrease one's weight, as by dieting. [<L reducere <re- back + ducere lead]
—re·duc′i·bil′i·ty noun
—re·duc′i·ble adjective
—re·duc′i·bly adverb Synonyms: compress, concentrate, condense, consolidate, contract, diminish, solidify, thicken. See ABASE, ABATE, ABBREVIATE, ALLAY, ALLEVIATE, CONQUER, IMPAIR, RELAX, RETRENCH, SCRIMP, SUBDUE, WEAKEN.
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