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Definition of: Aegina

An island and its chief town in the Saronic Gulf (also Gulf of Aegina) of the Aegean Sea off eastern central Greece. Also Æ·gi′na.
(ē′jə·nē′tən) adjective & noun

Most often used phrases:

Aegina athens
auf Aegina
octopus Aegina
Aegina century
Aegina boniface
Aegina iii
Aegina paul
Aegina pediments
Aegina paros
syros Aegina
Aegina greece
Aegina c
calliclava Aegina
Aegina species
out of Aegina

'Aegina' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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