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Definition of: amateur
(am′ə·chr, -t
r, -ty
r, am′ə·tûr′) adjective
1. Pertaining to or done by an amateur.
2. Composed of amateurs: an amateur cast.
3. Not expert or professional.
1. One who practices an art or science, not professionally, but for his own pleasure.
2. An athlete who has not engaged in contests for money, or used any athletic art as a means of livelihood.
3. One who does something without professional skill or ease. [<F <L amator lover <amare love]
—am′a·teur· ism noun Synonyms (noun): connoisseur, critic, dilettante, novice, tyro. Etymologically, the amateur is one who loves, the connoisseur one who knows. The amateur practices to some extent that in regard to which he may not be well informed; the connoisseur is well informed in regard to that which he may not practice at all. Dilettante, which had originally the sense of amateur, has come to denote one who is superficial, pretentious, and affected, whether in theory or practice.
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