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Definition of: angiosperm

(anjē·ə·spûrm′) noun
Any plant of a division (Magnoliophyta, formerly Angiospermae) of vascular seed plants in which the ovules are enclosed in an ovary. Also called flowering plant. angi·o·sper′mous adjective

Most often used phrases:

angiosperm phylogeny
angiosperm taxonomy
angiosperm species
angiosperm plants
angiosperm family
basal angiosperm
angiosperm flora
angiosperm trees
angiosperm tree of life
angiosperm genera
largest angiosperm
early angiosperm
angiosperm pollen
angiosperm evolution
angiosperm plant

'angiosperm' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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