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Definition of: Antiochus

Name of thirteen kings of the Seleucid dynasty in Syria, third to first century B.C.
—Antiochus III,

242–187 B.C., conquered Egypt and much of the Near East; defeated by the Romans at Magnesia, 190 B.C.: known as Antiochus the Great.
—Antiochus IV,

died 163 B.C., attempted to suppress Judaism and brought on the Maccabean revolt: called “Epiphanes.”

Most often used phrases:

Antiochus iii
king Antiochus
Antiochus epiphanes
Antiochus vii
Antiochus viii
Antiochus v
son Antiochus
Antiochus hierax
Antiochus xiii
ruler Antiochus
brother Antiochus
Antiochus x
Antiochus iii s
archelaus Antiochus
Antiochus xi

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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