Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Definition of: Bartholomew
A masculine personal name. Also Lat. Bar·thol·o·mae·us (bär·tol′ə·mē′əs), Fr. Bar·théle·my (bár·tāl·mē′) or Bar·tho·lo·mé (bár·tô·lô·mā′), Ital.
Bar·to·lo·me·o (bär·tō′lō·mâ′ō), Pg. Bar·to·lo·meu (bär·tō′lō·mā′), Sp. Bar·to·lo·mé (bär·tō′lō·mā′), Du. Bar·thol·o·me·us (bär·tôl′ō·mā′
s), Ger. Bar·tho·lo·mä·us (bär·tō′lō·mā′·
s) or Bar·thel (bär′təl). [<Hebrew, son of furrows]
—Bartholomew, Saint
One of the twelve apostles, on whose feast day, August 24, in 1572 a slaughter of Huguenots (the Massacre of St. Bartholomew) occurred in France.
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