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Definition of: Bonaparte

Name of a prominent Corsican French family: Napoleon,
1769–1821, French military leader and conqueror 1795–1815, emperor of the French 1804–15, as Napoleon I; his brothers, Joseph,
1768–1844, king of Naples 1806, of Spain 1808; Louis,
1778–1846, king of Holland 1806; Lucien,
1775–1840, Prince de Canino; his son François Charles Joseph,
1811–32, Napoleon II, although he never ascended the throne: often called “l'Aiglon” (the Eaglet); his nephew Louis Napoleon,
1808–73, emperor of France 1852–71, as Napoleon III, deposed 1871. Also spelled Buo·na·par·te (bwô′nä·pärtā).

Most often used phrases:

napoleon Bonaparte
joseph Bonaparte
louis Bonaparte
lucien Bonaparte
marie Bonaparte
Bonaparte king
pauline Bonaparte
Bonaparte family
general Bonaparte
Bonaparte ordered
caroline Bonaparte
elisa Bonaparte
Bonaparte gulf
de Bonaparte
Bonaparte brother

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"Bonaparte" has the frequency of use of 0.0004% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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