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Definition of: Chordata

(kôr·dātə) noun plural
A phylum of the animal kingdom which includes the vertebrates and whose members are characterized by an internal skeleton (which in primitive forms is a slender, axial rod, the notochord), a dorsally located central nervous system, and gill slits, present in the embryos of terrestrial forms. [<NL <chorda CHORD2]
(kôrdāt) adjective & noun

Most often used phrases:

phylum Chordata
deuterostoma Chordata
Chordata subphylum
Chordata synapsida
deuterostomes Chordata
Chordata craniata
Chordata cnidaria
Chordata phylum
Chordata class

'Chordata' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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