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Previous word: cocinera

Definition of: cock

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(kok) noun
1. A full-grown male of the domestic fowl.
2. Any male bird.
3. A leader; champion.
4. A weathercock.
5. A faucet, often with the nozzle bent downward.
6. In a firearm, the hammer; also, the position at which the hammer rests when raised.
7. A significant jaunty tip or upward turn; a bending or pricking up, as of a hat brim, the ears, eyes, etc.

1. To raise the cock or hammer of (a firearm) preparatory to firing.
2. To turn up or to one side alertly, jauntily, or inquiringly, as the head, eye, ears, etc.

3. To raise the hammer of a firearm.
4. To stick up be prominent.
adjective Male: a cock lobster.
[OE cocc]

Definition of: cock

(kok) noun
A small conical pile of straw or hay.
v.t. To arrange in piles or cocks, as hay.
[<ON kökkr lump, heap]

Definition of: cock

(kok) noun
A ship's small boat; cockboat. [<F coque]

Most often used phrases:

de cock
cock robin
massive cock
cock sparrer
cock lane
cock tavern
cock fighting
cock rock
cock hits
killed cock
cock fight
cock o
cock smacks
cock ring
cock inn

Statistical data

"cock" has the frequency of use of 0.0002% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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