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Definition of: compass

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(kumpəs, kom-) noun
1. Extent within limits; area; reach; scope.
2. A boundary, circumference, or circuit.
3. The range of a voice or instrument.
4. An instrument for determining directions by the pointing to magnetic north of a magnetic needle free to turn in a horizontal plane, and carrying a marked card, as in the mariner's compass.
5. A radio compass. Compare illustrations under BINNACLE, CLINOMETER.
6. Obs. A circular course or journey; round; circuit.
7. Compasses.

1. To go around; make a circuit of.
2. To surround; encompass.
3. To grasp mentally; comprehend.
4. To plot or scheme.
5. To attain or accomplish; achieve.
6. Obs. To cause to curve; bend into circular form. [<OF compas, ult. <L com- together + passus step]

Most often used phrases:

compass rose
compass point
magnetic compass
moral compass
operation compass
golden compass
compass directions
compass points
compass records
bbva compass
compass needle
compass direction
compass group
political compass
compass players

Statistical data

"compass" has the frequency of use of 0.0005% on city-data.com forum

"compass" has the frequency of use of 0.0005% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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