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Definition of: compass
Our photo definition of compass 
(kum′pəs, kom′-) noun
1. Extent within limits; area; reach; scope.
2. A boundary, circumference, or circuit.
3. The range of a voice or instrument.
4. An instrument for determining directions by the pointing to magnetic north of a magnetic needle free to turn in a horizontal plane, and carrying a marked card, as in the mariner's compass.
5. A radio compass. Compare illustrations under BINNACLE, CLINOMETER.
6. Obs. A circular course or journey; round; circuit.
7. Compasses.
1. To go around; make a circuit of.
2. To surround; encompass.
3. To grasp mentally; comprehend.
4. To plot or scheme.
5. To attain or accomplish; achieve.
6. Obs. To cause to curve; bend into circular form. [<OF compas, ult. <L com- together + passus step]
—com′pass·a·ble adjective
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