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Definition of: control

(kən·trōl) v.t. ·trolled, ·trol·ling
1. To exercise a directing, restraining, or governing influence over.
2. To regulate or verify, as an experiment, by comparison with a parallel experiment or other relevant standard.
3. To check, as an account, by means of a duplicate register; verify or rectify.

1. The act of controlling; restraining or directing influence; regulation; check; government.
2. One who or that which controls.
3. Mech. Any of variously designed and operated devices for the control of airplanes, motorcars, ships, machines, and the like.
4. Meteorol. An element, as atmospheric pressure, physical features, altitude, etc., serving as a determinant of climate.
5. A standard of comparison against which to check the results of an experiment, especially in the biological and medical sciences.
6. In spiritualism, a spirit presumed to act upon and through a medium in seances. [<MF contrôler, earlier contreroller keep a check list <Med. L contrarotulus a check list <L contra- against + rotulus list]
la·bil′i·ty, con·trol′la·ble·ness noun

Most often used phrases:

out of control
control system
traffic control
control systems
quality control
lost control
gained control
disease control
full control
gain control
control room
control panel
access control
complete control
control tower

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Statistical data

"control" has the frequency of use of 0.0237% on city-data.com forum

"control" has the frequency of use of 0.0196% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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