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Definition of: duplicate
(d′plə·kit, dy
′-) adjective
1. Made or done exactly like an original.
2. Growing in pairs; double.
3. Replayed by other players with the same cards as originally dealt: duplicate whist. See also DUPLICATE BRIDGE under BRIDGE2.
—noun A double or counterpart; something that exactly corresponds to an original from which it is made; a copy: originally one of two, now one of any number of like objects considered in their relation to the original and not to one another.
—v.t. (d′plə·kāt, dy
′-) ·cat·ed, ·cat·ing
1. To make an exact copy of; reproduce exactly.
2. To double; make twofold.
3. To repeat, as an action or effort; do a second time. See synonyms under IMITATE. [<L duplicatus, pp. of duplicare double <duplex twofold]
—du′pli·cate·ly adverb Synonyms (noun): copy, counterpart, facsimile, imitation, likeness, replica, reproduction, transcript. A copy is as nearly like the original as the copyist has power to make it; a duplicate is exactly like the original; a carbon copy of a typewritten document must be a duplicate; we may have an inaccurate copy, but never an inaccurate duplicate. A facsimile is like the original in appearance; a duplicate is the same as the original in substance and effect; a facsimile of the Declaration of Independence is not a duplicate. A facsimile of a key might be quite useless; a duplicate will open the lock. A counterpart exactly corresponds to another object, but perhaps without design, while a copy is intentional. An imitation is always thought of as inferior to the original; as, an imitation of Milton. A replica is a copy of a work of art by the maker of the original. In law, a transcript is an official copy, authenticated by the signature of the proper officer, and by the seal of the appropriate court. Antonyms: archetype, model, original, pattern, prototype.
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