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Definition of: crock

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(krok) noun
1. An earthenware pot or jar.
2. A fragment of earthenware.
v.t. To store in a crock, as butter.
[OE crocca]

Definition of: crock

(krok) noun
1. The black product of combustion; soot.
2. The coloring matter that rubs off from cloth; smut.
v.t. To stain; soil.
[Origin uncertain]

Definition of: crock

(krok) noun Brit. Dial.
1. An old ewe.
2. A broken–down horse.
3. Slang A worthless, decrepit, or disabled person.
4. Slang One who is not expert at a game or sport; a duffer.
v.i. To become weak or sick.
[ME crocke <Scand. Cf. Sw. krake a decrepit horse.]

Most often used phrases:

artemis crock
crock pot
country crock
crock o
jason crock
water crock
total crock
crock tip proof
crock street
complete crock
angus crock
bean crock
butter crock

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"crock" has the frequency of use of 0.0007% on city-data.com forum

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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