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Definition of: game

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(gām) noun
1. Any contest undertaken for recreation or prizes, played according to rules, and depending on strength, skill, or luck to win.
2. plural Organized athletic contests.
3. Amusement: diversion; play.
4. Fun; sport.
5. A strategy; scheme; plan.
6. A proceeding conducted like a game: the game of diplomacy.
7. A set of equipment used in playing certain games, as backgammon or darts.
8. Success in a match: The game is ours.
9. The number of points required to win: Game is 100 points.
10. A definite portion of a match terminated by a victory or draw, as a game in bridge or tennis.
11. Manner or art of playing: He plays a poor game.
12. That which is hunted in a chase; prey.
13. Wild animals or birds, collectively, pursued or caught for sport or profit; also their flesh.
14. Any object of pursuit or attack: They were fair game for ridicule.
15. Pluck; spirit; intrepidity.
16. Slang A business; vocation; especially one involving risk: the advertising game. See synonyms under FROLIC.
v. gamed, gam·ing v.i.
To gamble at cards, dice, etc., for money or other stakes.
v.t. To lose or squander by gambling: with away.

1. Of or pertaining to hunted wild animals or their flesh.
2. Plucky; spirited; intrepid.
3. Ready; willing. [OE gamen]

Definition of: game

(gām) adjective Colloq.
Lame or crooked: a game leg. [Origin uncertain]

Most often used phrases:

video game
first game
championship game
game show
game boy
all star game
final game
computer game
role playing game
card game
game series
football game
game developed
board game
second game

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Statistical data

"game" has the frequency of use of 0.0198% on city-data.com forum

"game" has the frequency of use of 0.0499% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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