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Definition of: distaff

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(distaf, -täf) noun plural dis·taffs or Rare dis·taves (distāvz)
1. A rotating vertical staff that holds the bunch of flax or wool for use in spinning by hand.
2. Figuratively, woman, as the holder of a distaff; also, woman's work or domain. [OE distœf <dis bundle of flax + stœf staff]

Most often used phrases:

cup distaff
distaff handicap
humana distaff
distaff stakes
distaff line
millions distaff
million distaff
dupont distaff
freyja s distaff
frigg s distaff
distaff friggerock
distaff spindle
distaff thistle
distaff day
term distaff

'distaff' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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