Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Definition of: due
(d, dy
) adjective
1. Owing and demandable; owed; especially, payable because of the arrival of the time set or agreed upon.
2. That should be rendered or given; justly claimable; appropriate.
3. Suitable; lawful; sufficient; regular.
4. Appointed or expected to arrive; having had time to arrive.
5. That may be charged or attributed; ascribable; owing: with to: The delay was due to rain. ◆ Due to as a preposition, though widely used, is still questioned by some, who would substitute for it because of or on account of: Because of (not due to) rain, we were delayed.
1. That which is owed or rightfully required; a debt or obligation.
2. plural Legal charge or fee: club dues.
1. Directly; exactly: due east.
2. Duly. ◆ Homophone: dew. [<OF deü, pp. of devoir owe <L debere]
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