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Definition of: power

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(pouər) noun
1. Ability to act; potency; specifically, the property of a substance or being that is manifested in effort or action, and by virtue of which that substance or being produces change, moral or physical.
2. Potential capacity.
3. Strength or force actually put forth.
4. The right, ability, or capacity to exercise control; legal authority, capacity, or competency, particularly, authority to do some act in relation to lands, as to create estates therein or charges thereon; also, a legal instrument or document conferring it. See POWER OF APPOINTMENT.
5. Any agent that exercises power, as in control or dominion; a military or naval force; an important and influential sovereign nation.
6. Great or telling force or effect.
7. Colloq. A great number or quantity.
8. Religious frenzy, especially as exemplified in exhortation: believed to be by possession of the Holy Spirit.
9. Any form of energy available for doing work; specifically, energy developed by mechanical or electrical means.
10. Physics The time rate at which energy is transferred, or converted into work.
11. Math. a The product of a number multiplied by itself a given number of times. b An exponent.
12. Optics Magnifying capacity, as of a lens.
13. plural The sixth of the nine grades or orders of angels.

1. To provide with means of propulsion.
2. Colloq. To force or push in the act of overcoming resistance: powered his way through for a touchdown.

3. Colloq. To move forcefully: to power through mud. [<OF poeir, ult. <L posse be able] Synonyms: ability, capacity, efficacy, efficiency, energy, force, might, potency, puissance, strength. Power is the most general term of this group of words, including every quality, property, or faculty by which any change, effect, or result is, or may be, produced, as, the power of the legislature to enact laws, or of the executive to enforce them; the power of an acid to corrode a metal; the power of a polished surface to reflect light. Ability is nearly coextensive with power, but does not reach its positiveness and vigor, ability often implying latent, as distinguished from active, power. Power and ability include capacity, which is power to receive; but ability is often distinguished from capacity, as power that may be manifested in doing, as capacity is in receiving. Efficacy is power to produce effects; efficiency is effectual agency, competent power. Energy is power both actual and potential; force is power enough to overcome resistance. Puissance is a poetic or literary synonym. See ABILITY, CAUSE, GENIUS, WEIGHT.

Definition of: Power

Powered by a motor or by electricity: power drill, power mower.

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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