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Next word: dystropy

Definition of: dystrophy

(distrə·fē) noun
Defective or perverted nutrition. Also dys·tro·phi·a (dis·trō·-fē·ə). [<NL dystrophia <Gk. dys- hard, defective + trophē nourishment]

Most often used phrases:

corneal dystrophy
myotonic dystrophy
macular dystrophy
cone dystrophy
sympathetic dystrophy
dystrophy type
cone rod dystrophy
nail dystrophy
retinal dystrophy
neuroaxonal dystrophy
endothelial dystrophy
fuchs dystrophy
dystrophy syndrome
neurovascular dystrophy
thoracic dystrophy

'dystrophy' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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