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Definition of: equal
(ē′kwəl) adjective
1. Of the same degree with another or with each other, as in magnitude or value; neither greater nor less.
2. Equable.
3. Adequate for the purpose; commensurate.
4. Archaic Equitable; just.
5. Having the same rank, rights, or importance.
6. Level.
7. Uniform in operation: equal laws. See synonyms under ADEQUATE, ALIKE.
—v.t. e·qualed or e·qualled, e·qual·ing or e·qual·ling
1. To be or become equal to.
2. To do or produce something equal to.
3. To recompense in full.
4. Obs. To make equal; equalize.
—noun A person or thing equal to another; a person of the same rank or condition. [<L aequalis <aequus even]
—e′qual·ly adverb
—e′qual·ness noun
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