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Definition of: escheat

(es·chēt) Law v.t. & v.i.
To revert, or cause to revert, to the state or crown.

1. The reversion of lands, in the United States to the state, in England to the crown, in default of heirs or devisees.
2. In feudal law, reversion of an estate to the lord of the fee on failure of heirs or service.
3. Forfeiture of property, real or personal, for default; confiscation. [<OF eschete, escheoite <escheoir <es- out (<L ex-) + cheoir <cadere fall]

Most often used phrases:

escheat movement
escheat rolls
escheat procedure

'escheat' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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