Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Definition of: extraordinary
(ik·strôr′də·ner′ē; esp. for def. 3, eks′trə·ôr′də·ner′ē) adjective
1. Being beyond or out of the common order, course, or method.
2. Exceeding the ordinary degree; not ordinary; unusual; remarkable: an extraordinary accident.
3. Employed for a special purpose or on an exceptional occasion; special: an envoy extraordinary.
4. Optics Designating that component of a plane– polarized ray of light which, on passing through a doubly refracting crystal, has different speeds in different directions. [<L extraordinarius <extra beyond + ordo, ordinis order]
—ex·traor′di·nar′i·ly adverb Synonyms: amazing, egregious, marvelous, monstrous, peculiar, preposterous, unprecedented, unusual, unwonted, wonderful, See ODD, RARE1. Antonyms: common, commonplace, frequent, natural, ordinary, unimportant, usual.