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Definition of: fortitude
(fôr′tə·td, -ty
d) noun
1. Strength of mind to meet or endure unfalteringly pain, adversity, or peril; patient and constant courage.
2. Obs. Physical strength or force. [<F <L fortitudo <fortis strong] Synonyms: courage, endurance, heroism, resolution. Fortitude (L. fortis, strong) is the strength or firmness of mind or soul to endure pain or adversity patiently and determinedly. Fortitude has been defined as “passive courage,” which is a good definition, but not complete. Fortitude might be termed “still courage,” or “enduring courage”; it is that quality which is able not merely to endure pain or trial, but steadily to confront dangers that cannot be actively opposed, or against which one has no adequate defense; it takes courage to charge a trench, fortitude to withstand an enemy's fire. Resolution is of the mind; endurance is partly physical; it requires resolution to resist temptation, endurance to resist hunger and cold. Compare COURAGE, PATIENCE.
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