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Definition of: force

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(fôrs, fōrs) noun
1. Physics Anything that changes or tends to change the state of rest or motion in a body: the fundamental cgs unit of force is the dyne.
2. The action of one body upon another; any operating energy.
3. Any moral, social, or political cause, or aggregate of causes.
4. Power or energy as lodged in an individual agent.
5. Power or energy considered as exerting constraint or compulsion; coercion.
6. The capacity to convince or move; weight; import.
7. Binding effect; efficacy.
8. An organized or aggregated body of individuals; especially, a military aggregate; an army; troop or naval unit.
9. Rhetorical vigor; energy; animation; strength.
10. A group of workers. See synonyms under ARMY, IMPULSE, OPERATION, POWER,
—coercive or coercitive force
Physics The power of resisting magnetization or demagnetization.
—the force
The police of a certain district.
v.t. forced, forc·ing

1. To compel to do something by or as by force; coerce; constrain.
2. To get or obtain by or as by force: to force an answer.
3. To bring forth or about by or as by effort: to force a smile.
4. To drive or move despite resistance; press: to force the enemy back.
5. To assault and capture, as a fortification.
6. To break open, as a door or lock.
7. To make, as a passage or way, by force.
8. To press or impose upon someone as by force: to force one's opinion on someone.
9. To exert to or beyond the utmost; strain, as the voice.
10. To stimulate the growth of artificially, as plants in a hothouse.
11. To rape.
12. Obs. To put in force, as a law.
13. In baseball: a To put out (a base runner) who has been compelled by another baserunner to leave one base for the next. b To allow (the base runner on third base) to score by walking the batter when the bases are full. c To allow (a run) in such a manner.
14. In card games: a To compel (a player) to trump a trick by leading a suit of which he has none. b To play so as to compel (a player) to reveal the strength of his hand. c To compel a player to play (a particular card). [<F <L fortis brave, strong]

Most often used phrases:

police force
driving force
defence force
military force
labor force
defense force
work force
main force
invasion force
full force
brute force
security force
small force
life force
strike force

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Statistical data

"force" has the frequency of use of 0.0127% on city-data.com forum

"force" has the frequency of use of 0.0138% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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