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Definition of: Funston

(funstən), Frederick,
1865–1917, U. S. general.

Most often used phrases:

frederick Funston
camp Funston
fort Funston
Funston kansas
general Funston
brandon Funston
Funston avenue
keith Funston
Funston john
ken Funston
Funston approach
john Funston
Funston run
Funston ed
Funston july

'Funston' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

User Contributions:

Al Snyder
When my wife and I were kids in Pennsylvania, we often heard, and used, the expression \\\"went around by Funstons\\\". What that meant was that someone took the long way around to get somewhere. We have lived in upstate NY for 50 years now, and no one up here ever heard that expression. We are curious as to where the expression came from.

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