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Definition of: play

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(plā) v.i.
1. To engage in sport or diversion; amuse oneself; frolic; gambol.
2. To take part in a game of skill or chance; gamble.
3. To act in a way which is not to be taken seriously.
4. To act or behave in a specified manner: to play false.
5. To deal carelessly; behave lightly or insincerely: with with.
6. To make love sportively.
7. To move quickly or irregularly as if frolicking: lights playing along a wall.
8. To discharge or be discharged freely or continuously: a fountain playing in the square.
9. To perform on a musical instrument.
10. To give forth musical sounds; sound: The bugles are playing.
11. To be performed or exhibited: Hamlet is playing tonight.
12. To act on or as on a stage; perform.
13. To move freely or loosely, especially within limits, as part of a mechanism.

14. To engage in (a game, etc.).
15. To pretend to be; imitate in play: to play cowboys and Indians.
16. To perform sportively or wantonly: to play a trick.
17. To oppose in a game or contest.
18. To move or employ (a piece, card, etc.) in a game.
19. To employ (someone) in a game as a player.
20. To cause; bring about: to play hob.
21. To perform upon (a musical instrument).
22. To perform or produce, as a piece of music, a play, etc.
23. To act the part of on or as on the stage; assume the character of: to play the fool.
24. To perform or act in: to play Chicago.
25. To cause to move quickly or irregularly: to play lights over a surface.
26. To put into or maintain in action; wield; ply.
27. In angling, to let (a hooked fish) tire itself by maintaining pressure on the line.
28 a To bet. b To bet on.
—to play at

1. To take part in.
2. To pretend to be doing; do half–heartedly.
—to play down
To treat as being of little importance; minimize.
—to play into the hands of
To act to the advantage of (a rival or opponent).
—to play it cool
Slang To act unconcerned or nonchalant.

—to play off

1. To oppose against one another.
2. To decide (a tie) by playing one more game.
—to play on

1. To take unscrupulous advantage of (another's hopes, emotions, etc.) for one's own advantage.
2. To continue: The band played on.
—to play out

1. To come to an end; be exhausted.
2. To continue to the end; finish.
—to play the game
To behave in a fair manner.
—to play up
Colloq. To emphasize.
—to play up to
Colloq. To try to win the favor of by flattery, etc.

1. Action without special aim or for amusement: opposed to work.
2. Exercise or action for recreation or diversion; sport; jest; fun; competitive trial of skill for amusement.
3. Gambling.
4. Manner of contending in a game; also, a move in a game: rough play, a fine play, sword play.
5. A dramatic composition; also, a dramatic representation; especially, a public theatrical exhibition.
6. Action without specified or special hindrance; freedom of movement.
7. Manner of acting toward others; dealing.
8. Active operation.
9. Light, quick, fitful movement.
10. Length of stroke, as of a piston.
—to make a play for
Colloq. To attempt to ingratiate oneself with.
[OE plegan]

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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