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Definition of: glace

(gla·sā, Fr. glá·sā) adjective
1. Iced; frozen or cooled.
2. Having a glossy surface resembling ice.
3. Smooth and glossy, as certain leathers.
v.t. ·céed, ·cé·ing

1. To cover with icing.
2. To render smooth and glossy. [<F, pp. of glacer freeze <glace ice]

Most often used phrases:

glace bay
de glace
sur glace
glace de
first glace
hmcs glace
morrison glace
glace fruit
glace ice
glace lihg
glace fruits
raspberry glace
ron glace
quick glace
glace cherries

'glace' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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