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Definition of: Gustavus
(gus·tā′vəs, -tä′-)
A masculine personal name. Also Du. Gus·taaf (khs′täf), Fr. Gus·tave (güs·táv′), Ger. Gus·tav (g
s′·täf), Ital., Sp. Gus·ta·vo (g
s·tä′vō), Sw. Gus·taf (g
s′täf). [<Gmc., divine staff]
—Gustavus I,
1496–1560, king of Sweden who defeated the Danes (king, 1523–60): known as Gustavus Vasa.
—Gustavus II,
1594–1632, prominent in the Thirty Years' War: known as Gustavus Adolphus.
—Gustavus V,
1858–1950, king of Sweden 1907–50: known as Gustaf.
—Gustavus VI,
1882–1973, king of Sweden 1950–1973: known as Gustaf Adolf.
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