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Definition of: Ignatius
(ig·nā′shē·əs, -shəs; Du. ig·nä′sē·s; Ger. ig·nä′tsē·
A masculine personal name. Also Fr. I·gnace (ē·nyás′), Ger. Ig·naz (ig·näts′), Ital. Ι·gna·zi·o (ē·nyä′tsē·ō) or I·gna·ci·o (ē·nyä′chē·ō, Pg. ig·nä′sē·, Sp. ig·nä′·thē·ō), Polish Ig·na·cy (ēg·nä′tsē). [<L, fiery]
—Ignatius, Saint,
67?–107?, bishop of Antioch: called “Theophorus.”
—Ignatius, Saint,
798?–878, patriarch of Constantinople.
—Ignatius of Loyola
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