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Definition of: interdict

(in′tər·dikt) v.t.
1. To prohibit or restrain authoritatively.
2. Eccl. To exclude from religious privileges.

1. A prohibitive order; ban.
2. A ban formerly declared by the pope, forbidding the clergy to perform religious services or administer the sacraments under certain circumstances.
3. In ancient Roman law, an interlocutory edict of the pretor, in matters affecting right of possession.
4. In Scots law, a judicial injunction. See synonyms under PROHIBIT. [<OF entredit <L interdictum, pp. of interdicere forbid <inter- between +dicere say; refashioned after L]
ter·dic′tion noun
ter·dic′tive adjective
·ter·dic′tive·ly adverb
ter·dic′tor noun
ter·dic′to·ry adjective

Most often used phrases:

interdict enemy
papal interdict
interdict japanese
interdict allied
interim interdict
venetian interdict
interdict communist
interdict british
interdict drug
interdict shipping
interdict axis
court interdict
interdict supply
interdict coastal
interdict roman catholic

'interdict' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

User Contributions:

For this study, 57 men were given either CBD oil or a placebo before a public-speaking event. https://saint-lazarus.org

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