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Definition of: irresolute

(i·rezə·loomacrt) adjective
Not resolute or resolved; wavering; hesitating.
·ly adverb
ness, ir·reso·lu′tion noun
Synonyms: capricious, doubtful, faint–hearted, faltering, fickle, fitful, half–hearted, hesitant, hesitating, indecisive, undecided, vacillating, wavering. Indecision denotes lack of intellectual conviction; irresolution denotes defect of volition, weakness of will. A thoughtful man may be undecided as to the course to take in perplexing circumstances; yet when decided he may act with promptness; an irresolute man lacks the nerve to act. Indecision commonly denotes a temporary state or condition, irresolution a trait of character. See FAINT, FICKLE. Antonyms: decided, determined, firm, persistent, resolute, resolved.

Most often used phrases:

irresolute man

'irresolute' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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Br J Pharmacol 2008;153 199-215. https://saint-lazarus.org
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