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Definition of: issue
(ish′, -y
) v. ·sued, ·su·ing v.t.
1. To give out or deliver in a public or official manner; put into circulation; publish: to issue a new stamp; to issue a magazine.
2. To deal out or distribute: to issue ammunition.
3. To send forth or emit; let out; discharge.
4. To come forth or flow out; emerge: Water issued from the pipe.
5. To come as a result or consequence; proceed: His charity issues from his good character.
6. To come to a specified end: with in: The argument issued in a duel.
7. To be given out or published; appear.
8. To come as profit or revenue; accrue: with out of.
9. Rare or Law To be born or descended.
1. The act of going out; outflow.
2. A place or way of egress.
3. Result; outcome; upshot.
4. The action of giving out or supplying officially or publicly.
5. An item or amount which is issued.
6. Offspring; progeny.
7. Profits; proceeds.
8. Med. a A suppurating sore, produced and maintained by artificial means. b A discharge, as of blood.
9. Law The point in question between parties to an action.
10. A subject of discussion or interest. See synonyms under CONSEQUENCE, END, EVENT, TOPIC. [<F issue <issir, eissir <L exire <ex- out of + ire go]
—at issue Under dispute; in question.
—to take issue To disagree.
—is′su·er noun
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