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Definition of: new
(n, ny
) adjective
1. Recently come into existence or use; lately made; recently settled or recently opened to settlement: new country.
2. Lately discovered; also, recently become important or well known.
3. Beginning or recurring afresh; renewed: the new moon.
4. Changed in essence, constitution, force, etc.: usually for the better: I feel a new man.
5. Another; different from that heretofore known or used.
6. Recently come from any place or out of any condition.
7. Unaccustomed; unfamiliar: a horse new to the saddle.
8. Specifically, named for another: used in place names, to distinguish a place from its namesake: New Zealand, New Orleans.
—adverb Newly; recently. [OE nēowe]
—new′ness noun
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