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Definition of: modulate

(mojoobreve·lāt) v. ·lat·ed, ·lat·ing v.t.
1. To vary the tone, inflection, or pitch of.
2. To regulate or adjust; temper; soften.
3. Music To change or cause to change to a different key.
4. To intone or sing.
5. Electronics To alter the frequency or amplitude of (a radio carrier wave).

6. Electronics To alter the frequency or amplitude of a carrier wave.
7. Music To change from one key to another by using a transitional chord common to both. [<L modulatus, pp. of modulari regulate <modulus MODULE]
ry (-lə·tôr′ē, -tō′rē) adjective

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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