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Definition of: mouth

(mouth) noun plural mouths (mouthz)
1. The orifice at which food is taken into the body; the entrance to the alimentary canal; the cavity between the lips and throat. ♦ Collateral adjective: oral.
2. The human mouth as the channel of speech.
3. A wry face; grimace.
4. That part of a stream where its waters are discharged; also, the entrance to a harbor.
5. The opening for discharge in the muzzle of a firearm.
6. The slit in an organ pipe, from which the wind passes against the lip; also, the edge of the opening in a flute or similar instrument, against which the performer's breath is directed.
7. The opening of a vessel by which it is emptied or filled.
8. The entrance or opening into a cavity, mine, etc.
9. The space or opening between the jaws of a vice.
—down in (or at) the mouth
Disconsolate; dejected.
—to fix one's mouth for
To get ready for.
v.t. (mouth)

1. To utter in a forced or affected manner; declaim.
2. To seize or take in the mouth.
3. To caress or fondle with the mouth.
4. To accustom (a horse) to the bit.

5. To speak in a forced or affected manner.
6. To distort the mouth; grimace. [OE mūth]
(mouthər) noun

a. Hard palate.
b. Pharynx.
c. Soft palate.
d. Uvula.
e. Tonsil.
ƒ. Epiglottis.
g. Esophagus.
h. Trachea.
i. Tongue.
j. Hyoid bone.
k. Larynx.

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"mouth" has the frequency of use of 0.0073% on city-data.com forum

"mouth" has the frequency of use of 0.0031% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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