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Definition of: petronel

(petrə·nəl) noun
A 15th century firearm about the size of a large horse pistol, fired with the stock resting against the breast. [<MF petrinal, dial. var. of poitrinal, adj., pectoral <poitrin the chest, ult. <L pectus]

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

User Contributions:

Petronel Payne
I always knew what my name meant but my name was taken from my family tree where it is shown that in the 13th century a de Toni married someone by the name of Petronel, whereas the petronel/poitrinal doesn\'t seem to come into use until the 16th/17th century. Interestingly, the Scots seem to know what the name means - and how to spell it - but the French cannot cope with it at all, insisting on Peronelle/Petronilla or anything, as long as it is the wrong spelling. Mind you, the English aren\'t a lot better!

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