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Definition of: prelude
(prel′yd, prē′l
d) noun
1. Music a An independent instrumental composition of moderate length, in a free style suggesting improvisation, b An opening piece at the start of a church service; a voluntary. c The overture of an opera. d An opening strain or movement at the beginning of a musical composition, usually introducing the theme of the whole work.
2. Any introductory or opening performance or event, or that which foreshadows a coming event.
—v. ·ud·ed, ·ud·ing v.t.
1. To introduce with a prelude.
2. To serve as a prelude to.
3. To serve as a prelude.
4. To provide or play a prelude. [<F prélude <Med. L praeludium <L praeludere play before <prae- before + ludere play]
—pre·lud·er (pri·l′dər, prel′yə·dər) noun
—pre·lu·di·al (pri·l′dē·əl) adjective
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