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Definition of: reduplication
(ri·d′plə·kā′shən, -dy
′-) noun
1. The act of reduplicating, or the state of being reduplicated; a redoubling.
2. A rhetorical figure in which the ending of a sentence, line, or clause is repeated and emphasized at the beginning of the next.
3. Ling. a The repetition of an initial element or elements in a word; especially, in the verbs of some Indo-European languages, repetition of some part of the root, usually with vowel modification, serving as a mark of the perfect, as in Greek bebeka I have walked, Latin dedidi I have given. b The doubling of all or part of a word, often with vowel or consonant change, as in fiddle-faddle, razzle-dazzle. c The sound or syllable thus repeated.
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