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Definition of: word

(wûrd) noun
1. A speech sound or combination of sounds which has come to signify and communicate a particular idea or thought, and which functions as the smallest meaningful unit of a language when used in isolation. There are basic or radical words as master, man, derivative words as masterful, manly, inflectional words as masters, men, and compound words as masterpiece, manpower, etc. In terms of modern linguistics, a word may be a single morpheme (a free form, as master) or a union of morphemes (free and bound forms, as masters, masterful, masterpiece).
2. The letters or characters that stand for a significant vowel sound.
3. A vocable considered only as a sound: ideas rather than words.
4. Usually plural Conversation; talk: a man of few words.
5. A brief remark; hence, a short and pithy saying.
6. A communication or message: Send him word.
7. A command, signal, or direction: Give the word to start.
8. A promise; hence, good faith: a man of his word.
9. A party cry; watchword.
10. plural Language used in anger, rebuke, or otherwise emotionally: They had words. See synonyms under TERM.
v.t. To express in a word or words, especially in selected words; phrase.
[OE. Akin to VERB.]

Definition of: Word

(wûrd) noun
1. The Logos; the Son of God.
2. Divine Wisdom, as in John i.
3. The Scriptures as an embodiment of divine revelation.

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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