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Definition of: ribbon

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(ribən) noun
1. A narrow strip of fine fabric, usually silk or satin, having two selvages, and commonly less than eight inches wide, made in a variety of weaves: used as trimming.
2. Something shaped like or suggesting a ribbon, as a watch spring, or a painted stripe on the side of a vessel.
3. A narrow strip; a shred: torn to ribbons.
4. An ink-bearing strip of cloth in a typewriter.
5. A ribband.
6. plural Colloq. Driving reins.
7 a A colored strip of cloth worn to signify membership in an order, the award of a prize, etc. b A similar strip of cloth worn on the left breast of a military or naval uniform to indicate campaigns served in, medals won, etc.
8. A ticker tape.
v.t. To ornament with ribbons; also, to form or tear into ribbons.

1. Made of or like ribbon.
2. Having parallel bands or streaks, as certain minerals: ribbon jasper.
3. Of a standard to receive a prize in a competitive show: a ribbon hog. [<OF riban; origin unknown]

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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