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Definition of: silk

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(silk) noun
1. The creamy-white or yellowish, very fine natural fiber produced by various insects, especially by the larvae of silkworms, to form their cocoons.
2. A similar thread spun by other insects or arachnids.
3. Cloth, thread, or garments made of silk.
4. Anything resembling or suggestive of silk, as the fine soft styles of an ear of corn.
—to hit the silk
Slang To descend from an aircraft by parachute.
adjective Consisting of silk; silken; silky.
v.t. To clothe or cover with silk: grand ladies plumed and silked.
v.i. To produce the portion of the flower called silk: said of corn.
[OE seoloc, ult. <L sericus silken, lit., pertaining to the Seres (Chinese), from whom silk was bought. Related to SERGE.]

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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