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Definition of: rip

(rip) v. ripped, rip·ping v.t.
1. To tear or cut apart roughly or violently; slash.
2. To tear or cut from something else in a rough or violent manner: with off, away, out, etc.
3. To saw or split (wood) in the direction of the grain.

4. To be torn or cut apart; split.
5. Colloq. To utter with vehemence: with out.
6. Colloq. To rush headlong.
—to rip into
Colloq. To attack violently, as with blows or words.
—to rip off

1. To steal or steal from.
2. To copy, imitate, or reproduce illegally or dishonestly.
3. To swindle; dupe; cheat.
—to rip out
To utter with vehemence. See synonyms under REND.

1. A place torn or ripped open, especially along a seam; a tear.
2. A ripsaw. [ME rippen, prob. <LG. Cf. Frisian rippe, Flemish rippen.]

Definition of: rip

(rip) noun
1. A ripple; a rapid in a river.
2. A riptide. [? <RIP1]

Definition of: rip

(rip) noun Colloq.
1. A dissipated or worthless person.
2. A worn–out, worthless animal or object. [? Var. of rep. short for REPROBATE]

Definition of: rip

(rip) noun Scot.
A handful of unthreshed grain or of hay.

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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