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Definition of: snake

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(snāk) noun
1. An ophidian reptile (suborder Serpentes), having a greatly elongated, scaly body, no limbs, and a specialized swallowing apparatus. The bite of most snakes is non-venomous, but some have much enlarged fangs, connected with venom glands from which a deadly poison flows into the punctures they make. ♦ Collateral adjective: anguine.
2. A treacherous or insinuating person.
3. A flexible, resilient wire used to clean clogged drains. etc.
v. snaked, snak·ing v.t.
Colloq. To drag by seizing an end or limb and pulling forcibly or quickly; haul along the ground, as a log.
v.i. To wind or move like a snake.
[OE snaca]

Definition of: Snake

(snāk) noun
A member of any of various Shoshonean tribes of North American Indians, but especially the Walpapi and Yahu-skin of eastern Oregon.

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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