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Definition of: clean

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(klēn) adjective
1. Free from dirt, soil, impurity, or defilement; unblemished; pure.
2. Ginned: clean cotton.
3. Free from bungling; dexterous; complete: He's a clean shot.
4. Well–proportioned; symmetrical.
5. Ceremonially pure; conforming to the ceremonial law.
6. Completely cleared or rid of something.
7. Having no imperfection; perfect; whole.
8. Clear: a clean title to land.
9. In baseball, without error.

1. To purify or cleanse; to free from dirt or impurities.
2. To draw and prepare (fowl, game, etc.) for cooking.

3. To undergo or perform the act of cleaning.
—to clean out

1. To clear of trash or rubbish.
2. To force out; overcome: to clean the gangsters out of town.
3. To empty (a place) of contents or occupants: The crowd cleaned out the store.
4. Colloq. To leave without money: The depression cleaned him out.
—to clean up

1. To remove dirt; put in order: Today we clean up.
2. Colloq. To win a large amount or make large profits.
3. Colloq. To defeat: to clean up the enemy.
4. To remove undesirable persons or scandalous activities from: to clean up politics.
adverb In a clean manner; unqualifiedly, wholly.
[OE clæne clear, pure]

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Statistical data

"clean" has the frequency of use of 0.0171% on city-data.com forum

"clean" has the frequency of use of 0.0033% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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