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Definition of: stage
(stāj) noun
1. The raised platform, with its scenery and mechanical appliances, on which the performance in a theater or hall takes place.
2. The theater.
3. The drama.
4. The dramatic profession.
5. The field or plan of action of some notable event: to set the stage for a counter–offensive.
6. A definite portion of a journey.
7. The distance traveled between two stopping points.
8. One of the regular stopping places on the route of a stagecoach or postrider.
9. A stagecoach.
10. A step in some development, progress, or process.
11. Med. A definite period in the course of a disease, characterized by a certain group of symptoms.
12. Biol. Any of the periods of growth in animals or plants: the larval stage of insects.
13. Electronics One of the radio elements in cascade amplification.
14. A water level: The river rose to flood stage.
15. A horizontal section or story of a building.
16. An elevated platform or scaffold for the use of workmen.
17. The horizontal shelf on a microscope which supports the slide or object to be examined.
18. Any raised platform or floor.
19. Geol. The stratigraphie subdivision next below a series, corresponding to an age in the time scale.
20. Aerospace One of the separate propulsion units of a rocket vehicle. Each becomes operational after the preceding one reaches burnout and is jettisoned.
—v.t. staged, stag·ing
1. To put or exhibit on the stage.
2. To plan, conduct, or carry out: to stage a rally.
3. To organize, perform, or carry out so as to appear authentic, legitimate, or spontaneous when actually not so: The entire incident was staged for the benefit of press photographers. [<OF estage, ult. <L status, pp. of stare stand]
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