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Definition of: series
(sir′ēz) noun plural se·ries
1. An arrangement of one thing after another; a connected succession of persons, books, objects, observations, etc., on the basis of like relationships.
2. Math. An ordered, finite or infinite arrangement of expressions, each a function of another, the sum of which is indicated, as x1 + x2 + x3 . . . + xn + . . ., or xi for infinite series, and x1 + x2 + x3 . . . + xn or
xn for finite series.
3. Chem. A group of compounds or elements resembling one another more or less in their chemical characters and crystalline forms, or differing from each other by a constant difference of certain factors.
4. Electr. An arrangement of sources or utilizers of electricity, as batteries or lamps, in which the positive electrode of one is connected with the negative electrode of another.
5. Gram. A group of successive coordinate elements of a sentence. [<L <serere join, weave together]
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