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Definition of: subtile

(sutl, subtil) adjective
1. Having fine structure; delicately formed; ethereal.
2. Characterized by material rarity; rarefied; refined; hence, penetrating; pervasive.
3. Subtle. [<OF subtil, alter of soutil SUBTLE; refashioned after L]
Synonym: subtle. Subtile and subtle have been constantly used as interchangeable by good writers; but there is a present tendency to distinguish them by making subtile an attribute of things and subtle a characteristic of mind. Subtle, the later form of the word, is used preferably when the derogatory sense of crafty is to be expressed. See ACUTE, ASTUTE, FINE1.

'subtile' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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