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Definition of: summer
Our photo definition of summer 
(sum′ər) noun
1. The hottest or warmest season of the year: including June, July, and August, in the northern hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere the summer occurs during the months of the northern winter. ♦ Collateral adjective: estival.
2. Figuratively, a year of life, especially of early or happy life; a bright and prosperous period.
—Indian summer A period of mild weather occurring in the autumn, with hazy atmosphere usually along the horizon, and a clear sky. It corresponds to the English St. Luke's or St. Martin's summer.
—St. Luke's summer or little summer of St. Luke A short period of warm weather in England expected for a few days beginning with St. Luke's day, the 18th of October.
—St. Martin's summer A season of mild weather about St. Martin's day, the 11th of November, corresponding to the American Indian summer.
—v.t. To keep or care for through the summer.
—v.i. To pass the summer.
—adjective Of, pertaining to, or occurring in summer. [OE sumor, sumer]
—sum′mer·ly adjective & adverb
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